
"Our drivers deal with more than we know." Train guard makes poignant announcement at Sydney station.

Commuters experienced severe delays on Tuesday night after a person took their own life at a Sydney train station.

From about 6pm onwards it was packed, late trains for anyone travelling between Hurstville and Sutherland. But grumpy passengers suddenly had their inconvenience put into perspective when a guard took over an intercom and reminded them who was truly affected by this tragedy.

According to reporter Natalie Wolfe, the woman’s voice could be heard by passengers as a train arrived at Como Station.

“I’d just like to say our thoughts and prayers are with the family of the person who took their own life tonight,” she said.

“But we’re also thinking of the driver.

“Nobody goes to work to kill anybody, that’s for sure, and our drivers deal with that more than we even know.”

Her words were poignant and true. Statistics from around Australia show that train deaths are an all too common occurrence. In 2014, when 2800 Australians took their own lives, trains were involved in about one of every 18 suicides.

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