
"You are demanding and exhausting." The angry email from a Sydney boss that quickly went viral.

A Sydney boss has been slammed after writing a terrifying email to all the staff in his office. The email had the subject line “Friday observation” and was sent out last week – before being leaked online.

The boss begins by slamming the employees for playing ping pong, and continues to say that sick days cost him personally.

“Quick observation that is really getting on my tits. 1: Endless ping pong during CORE BD business hours – especially from people with no money on the board,” he began.

“2: Not even bothering to put a suit on or pretending to look the part (again with no money on the board). 3: Some of you are taking more sick days than Tom Hanks during the dying days of Philadelphia…again with no money on the board (and being a cost to the company and me personally).”

The boss continued to personally attack a group of employees.

“5 or 6 of you are REALLY GETTING ON MY TITS in this office – you are a cost, you are demanding and exhausting and you don’t even look like you are trying,” he wrote.

“[REDACTED] will talk to you in more detail on Monday but if 5-6 of you don’t pick up your game massively you will see your sorry asses fired and slung out the door in under 3 months”, he continued.

Finishing off the email, the boss kindly reminded the staff that if they don’t up their game they will “FEEL [HIS] WRATH and that is not pretty.”


Later in the day, the boss apologised.

“I am happy to hold my hands up, and to this end I wanted to apologise. Obviously some of you know me pretty well and know I shoot from the hip, but obviously others don’t,” he began.

“It seems I am becoming an online sensation for how NOT to communicate – and in hindsight I agree!! I do value you all, but I am sure you get my sentiments in wanting you to reach your full potential, even if my delivery in this case was not at my loquacious best.”

“Thanks guys and have a good weekend,” he finished.

To be completely honest, we can see why these employees were taking so many sick days.

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