
Single mum Morgan was moved to tears by her uni professor's kindness.

Single mum and student Morgan King had a problem. She wanted to get to her university class, but had no one to take care of her three-month-old daughter, Korbyn.

The 21-year-old never expected her professor to come up with such a simple, yet kind solution: Just bring her to class.

Earlier this month, Morgan emailed her professor at University of Tennessee’s Department of Child and Family Studies, Sally Hunter, to apologise for being unable to make it in that day because Korbyn’s grandparents were unable to care for her.

Listen: If we do career counselling to plan our lives, should we be planning how to fit families in, too?

Prof Hunter’s response was both heartwarming and practical.

“I’m so sorry that childcare issues are what caused you to miss class today,” the email read.

“In the future, if you are having trouble finding someone to watch Korbyn, please feel free to BRING HER with you to class.

Morgan King with her daughter Korbyn. (Image via Twitter.)

"I would be absolutely delighted to hold her while I teach, so that you can still pay attention to the class and take notes."

The educator added that she was "very serious" about the offer and asked Morgan to let her know if there were "other ways" she could offer support.

Morgan was so taken aback by her teacher's kindness she shared the email on Twitter, where it quickly gained thousands of likes and retweets.

Morgan told WBIR that Prof Hunter has the "kindest, most helpful heart".

"It gives me chills just talking about it. She really wants me to succeed in her class. That just really spoke majorly to me," she said.

The young mum told the Knoxville News Sentinel balancing her therapeutic recreation studies with work and caring for her daughter was difficult, but also important.

"It is so hard," she said.

"But I am so determined to graduate and get my degree for Korbyn and I. It's not just about me anymore. I have to do this for us."

What's the kindest thing a professor or teacher has said to you?

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