
Share: Australian professor proves that there is no link between vaccines and autism.

The study has been published in the journal Vaccine.



It is news that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt there is no link, has never been a link and will never be a link between vaccines and autism.

The study by the University of Sydney reviewed available data from around the world – looking at seven sets of data involving more than 1.25 million children.

It found that there is no link between vaccination and the development of autism, or autism spectrum disorders.

The study by Associate Professor Guy Eslick definitively rules out a link between common vaccines for measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough and the development of autism.

The study’s author said he undertook the research after watching documentaries on the medical debate over autism.

“I thought, surely someone has put this data together. I searched; there was nothing,” Prof Eslick told News Limited.

Published in the medical journal Vaccine Prof Eslick said that the study shows “the decision to opt out of vaccination schedules needed to be urgently and properly evaluated.”

The study involved 1.25 million children

Associate Professor Eslick said to date there had been no quantitative data analysis of any relationship between autism, autism spectrum disorders and childhood vaccinations.

“Our review is the first to do so, and we found no statistical evidence to support this idea,” he said.


He said that the recent measles outbreak in both NSW and the US shows it is a major public health issue with vaccine-preventable diseases rapidly increasing in the community due to the fear of a ‘link’ between vaccinations and autism.

The previous largest study was done in Denmark and covered all children born from January 1991 through December 1998. 537,303 children of which eighty-two percent were vaccinated for MMR were examined and there was no association between vaccination and the development of autistic disorder.

Dr Rachel Dunlop previously wrote for Mamamia

“There is no solid scientific evidence for a link between vaccines and autism. And believe me, science has been looking for well over 14 years. The theory that vaccines cause autism was first suggested by Andrew Wakefield in 1998. Since then, Wakefield’s paper has been discredited and withdrawn from The Lancet and Wakefield has lost his medical licence for showing “callous disregard” for children’s welfare. Since 1998 there have been countless large and comprehensive studies looking for a link between vaccines and autism, but the evidence keeps coming up negative”

Prof Eslick told News Limited that that he had no vested interest in the research outcomes. He is not an ‘expert in vaccination or autism’ and his study was not funded by a drug company.

“I did this because it was really interesting to me that there is a mass of people against vaccination and there really wasn’t any information to support that,” he told the newspaper.

So now once again it has been re-proven. Vaccines count… And we give a massive high-five to that.

This is a gallery of common myths about vaccines being harmful and why they’re wrong. It includes some good arguments to use when you’re faced with anti-vaccination rhetoric.

Click here for a harrowing and heartbreaking look at what whooping cough is REALLY like.

Click here if you’d like to know what it’s like to grow up unvaccinated.

Click here to see an example of how quickly dangerous and vaccine-preventable diseases can spread once the majority of the population is not being vaccinated.

Please share this post with friends and family who believe in science and support vaccinations to keep our community safe.

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