
Yes, Stu Laundy had pre-Bachelorette Botox. But not because he wanted to look younger.

OK. Yes, Stu Laundy did have Botox before going on (and winning) The Bachelorette. But it’s definitely not because he knew his face would be on national television, on a dating show that loves little more than an emotional, ‘is he or isn’t he’ closeup.

Instead, the 44-year-old Sydney publican was just serving as a “crash test dummy” for a mate’s cosmetic clinic.

“We went and got a few injections,” Laundy told The Daily Telegraph. “It was something stupid friends do on the drink and right now you are seeing the back end of that on my forehead.

“It is a juvenile boys’ story.”

The effect of anti-wrinkle injections tend to last between four and six months, but Laundy says he won’t be seeking a top-up.

“It is not something traditionally that a westie publican would do,” he told the outlet.

Traditionally, maybe not. But research suggests that Australian men’s attitude toward cosmetic procedures is changing.

According to a recent survey conducted by the Cosmetic Physicians College of Australasia, as many as 75 per cent of Aussie blokes believe it’s acceptable to undergo anti-ageing treatments to address premature ageing. In 2014, that number stood at less than 50 per cent.

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“Although not a common conversation topic, men are recognising some of the signs of facial ageing and realising that they can do something to increase self-confidence. This increased confidence often filters into many aspects of working life,” spokesperson for the CPCA, Dr Catherine Porter said in a statement.

One third of the survey respondents were worried about looking old, with thinning hair, posture and wrinkles the top age-related concerns.

“We think one factor influencing men’s attitudes is the realisation that many will need to remain in the workplace longer than they previously thought and they want to project a more youthful appearance,” Dr Porter said, “particularly if they are in the job market and think they’ll have to compete with younger people.”

Can we speculate about Sophie and Stu’s relationship? (Post continues below.)

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