
The most surprising person in Liv Tyler's delivery room.

“I made it RIGHT in time.”

On Friday, Liv Tyler’s people confirmed that she gave birth to a healthy baby boy, despite him coming 6 weeks early.

But that’s not what we are talking about here.

What we are talking about is who was in that delivery room with her. Sure, you might guess it was her boyfriend David Gardner. Sure, you might guess that it was her mum.

But no, it was her dad, Steven Tyler.

Yip, her dad.

After the birth of his second grandson, the 66-year-old Aerosmith frontman posted this photo to his Facebook page.

He captioned it with:

When I got the call that Liv Tyler was going into labor, after crying like a baby myself, I immediately dropped everything and went to to the airport to get on the next available flight... When I landed I kept calling my daughter Mia Tyler who was already helping Liv and she kept giving me minute by minute updates,"HURRY THE BABY IS COMING!"

I made it RIGHT in time before my second grandson entered this world. It was another (God wink) moment of a lifetime for me.

Late last year, a mum wrote a post all about who she had in the delivery room and many comments found it quite weird that her dad was there. Could this be a growing trend? To have your dad there during your most exposed (and very special) moment?

We can see both sides...what more special than having your dad their to welcome your baby (their grandchild), but also, there is a lot of nakedness going on that maybe we wouldn't want our dads seeing.

Liv's sister, Mia, was also there and shared this with her Facebook fans.

There is nothing more special than helping to bring a life into this world with the most important people in your life. So proud to be a part of it. And so very excited to have a new pup in our wolf pack. So much love in this pic.

We are just glad that mum and baby are healthy.

What do you think? Would you have your dad in the delivery room with you?

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