
Shocker, Hero and Whinger of the week.

Welcome to Shocker, Hero and Whinger of the Week.

Here’s how it works: Each week, we pick the biggest Shocker, Hero and Whinger from the last seven days. Shocker is whatever moment or person left our jaws on the floor. Hero is whoever won the week by being awesome. And whinger? Well, that’s pretty much just someone who has had a major sooky-la-la moment. Let’s do this.

Shocker of the Week goes to…

The two teenage girls who racially and physically abused an elderly Aboriginal man on a Gold Coast bus.

The girls were abusing several people on the bus when the man, who is almost blind, told them they should go home. His comment caused them to turn on him, at which point a young girl further down the bus began filming the attack. Eventually a young man steps in and forces the girls off the bus.

Just awful.


Hero of the Week goes to…

Danielle Li, the 13-year-old Girl Scout who made a killing selling cookies after she she set up shop right outside a legal marijuana store in San Francisco.

Danielle’s mum called The Green Cross and asked them if her daughter could set up a table outside their store. They jumped up at the chance, and with her mum standing nearby, Danielle sold 117 boxes in less than two hours.

The Girl Scouts of America released the following statement:


“As long as they’re following our safety guidelines, we trust our parents to make decisions for their daughters based on the communities that they live in.”

So basically, “What happens in San Fran, stays in San Fran.”

Here’s to Danielle’s epic entrepreneurial spirit.


Whinger of the Week goes to…

The Block contestant Steve O’Donnell, who threw a bit of a tanty this week about how he looks on TV.

Steve, who is on the show with his partner Chantelle Ford, said that the producers were editing segments of the show to make him look lazy. His theory is that he “pissed off a producer early on and now they’re out to punish me”.

He was quoted saying this week: “I’m super sick of the story arc beign (sic) that I’m in some way mentally deficient. I want to keep track of this as it looks like its (sic) getting out of hand and I can’t remember every fabrication. My memory of the bs is finite.”

His comments were mostly met with a collective snigger at his expense, but not everyone disagrees with him. When Mamamia reported on the story earlier this week, comments were divided, with everything from this:

You can’t make someone look like an idiot if they aren’t acting like one. If he didn’t want to be subject to criticism about not being able to renovate then he shouldn’t have gone on The Block.

To this:

I love watching the block, however I am feeling uneasy at the show constantly pointing out Steve and Chantelle’s faults. The show has made Steve seem less of a man simply because he doesn’t have a builders background.

Do you think Steve’s big whinge was justified?

So, who’s your Shocker, Hero and Whinger of the week?

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