Do you find that the busier you get, the more efficient you become at multi-tasking? You feed the kids while making the school lunches. Fold the washing while drinking coffee. Call friends while you’re waiting for the bus. Check Facebook while catching up on the latest episode of Offspring.
As women, we are never doing just one thing at any one time. We’re constantly burning the candle at both ends and then relighting it in the middle. Right? We don’t take a week off from our crazy days to sleep for 12 hours or to re-energise – we just find a way to get it all done.
In part five of our eight-part 5 to 9 diaries, we ask the question, “How do you keep energised?”
What do you do to keep energised?
NESCAFÉ Café Menu® Team, has acknowledged that the modern Australian woman is busier and working longer hours than ever before.
Research shows that the traditional 9 to 5 workday does not exist; instead 5 to 9 is a better reflection of modern women today.
To salute the heroic efforts of women and encourage them to take a moment for themselves, we have re-recorded the classic song, ‘9 to 5’ and created a music video showcasing all the challenges women deal with in their 5 to 9 day.