Every time I ask someone about their plans for the holidays, their reply seems to be “I’m staying home this year”. I believe this is called having a Stay-cation and it has become wildly popular.
I’m certain this is due to the fact a Stay-cation means you don’t have to pack. High five to that. Because in most households, packing is a source of considerable tension.
Since the first suitcase was invented by some cave dude who needed to transport half a mammoth to a mate’s BBQ, men have been bitching that women don’t know how to pack. Or rather, women don’t know how to pack light.
Yes we know and what’s your point? Now that bags have wheels, there really is no downside to packing heavily and yet still men complain about it.
Or is it just in my house?
I come from a long line of heavy packers. My mother has been travelling regularly for decades and cheerfully admits she’s never mastered the cull. “Each time we go away I embrace the challenge of packing light and I always fail,” she says. “I think it’s because I imagine I’m going to be a different person when I’m away so I take clothes I never wear at home. Of course that fantasy person never emerges and I revert to my usual look. That’s OK though. I never expect to wear everything I pack even though this baffles your father.”
Indeed it does. My Dad never tires of exhorting Mum to travel with less and I marvel at how he can be bothered to keep fighting a battle he’ll never win.
We fight the same battle in our house or rather my husband does. The only battle I fight is with the zip on my suitcase.