Every day at 8.50am an alarm goes off on my phone. It is an alert that flashes up with the words- “Happiness is not place. It is the journey we take. Be happy today.”
I know. Crazy right? That I need a daily reminder to be happy. Like a reminder to attend an appointment or remember a friend’s birthday. The alarm is set in the morning. The part of the day I find the most difficult. My husband has left for work and I am alone in the house with the kids.
The words are indicative of the place where my head and my heart are so often not. The here and the now. Today. I’m always looking forward and looking towards tomorrow. When the kids are older. When we have completed the renovations. When I lose a little more weight. When we have a little more money. When life becomes easier. When. When. When. Then. Then I will be happy.
My husband gave me the words about 18 months ago. It was during a particular tough time in my life and I was drowning. I had given up work indefinitely to become a stay at home Mum. We had moved interstate. I’d left my career, my friends and entire social network. All that I knew and all that I thought, made me who I was. We were renovating our home. I had just given birth to my second child, a boy. Who. Would. Not. Sleep. I found being a stay at home mum incredibly hard. And I struggled big time with who I now was. Now that I no longer had a job title.