
Stanford rape case judge removed from new case.

The judge, who sentenced Stanford University swimmer Brock Turner to just six months in jail over the sexual assault of an unconscious stranger, has been removed from the seat of an upcoming sex crimes case.

Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge Aaron Persky has faced backlash from the community for his involvement in Turner’s sentence, which many considered too lenient.

Turner was sentenced to six months in jail for sexual assault with three years probation. He looks likely to serve just three months in jail.

The LA Times reported that prosecutors said the removal was a “rare and carefully considered step.”

District attorney Jeff Rosen said the move came after the judge had dismissed a case before the jury could deliberate.

“We are disappointed and puzzled at Judge Persky’s unusual decision to unilaterally dismiss a case before the jury could deliberate,” he said.

“After this and the recent turn of events, we lack confidence that Judge Persky can fairly participate in this upcoming hearing in which a male nurse sexually assaulted an anesthetized female patient.

“In the future, we will evaluate each case on its own merits and decide if we should use our legal right to ask for another judge in order to protect public safety and pursue justice.”


Court procedures in the American state of California allow prosecutors to file motions in order to remove judges and have cases reassigned.

It was reported that prosecutors removed Judge Persky after multiple jurors had refused to serve in his courtroom because of the Turner case.

A thank you message to the Swedish men who helped the Stanford rape victim. Post continues after video…

Several online campaigns have called for Judge Persky’s removal from judicial role for his actions in the Turner case.

The campaign on that will be sent to the Californian state senate has gained over a million signatures.

Judge Persky was said to not have been reached for comment.

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