
News in 5: Woman's Thailand crash; Rose McGowan arrest; PM's citizenship turmoil.

1. “She needs to come home.” Brisbane woman facing leg amputation after horror accident in Thailand.

Stacey Ann Liddle. Image via Facebook.

Brisbane woman Stacey Liddle and her best friend Sinead Markham were counting down the days to their Thailand trip, organised to celebrate Stacey's 30th birthday.

They'd only been in Chalong three days, however, when Stacey lost control of the scooter she was riding and was run over by a bus.

"The wheels went straight over the top of her," Sinead told News Corp. "She wasn’t breathing when she first got hit and I thought she was dead and then she started moaning and woke up and we both just started screaming it was so horrific."

"It completely tore her leg apart, her bones were exposed and her calf muscle was lying on the ground. It was pretty nasty."

Now, Stacey's family is desperate to get her home for surgery, with Thai doctors warning they will have to amputate the leg if Stacey is not transported to an Australian hospital within days.

"We need to raise $30,000 to pay for her transport home so they don't amputate her leg," Stacey's cousin Katrina has posted on a GoFundMe page. "We just want her home so she can get the right treatment!"

Stacey's sister, Caitlyn Louise‎, also contacted Channel Seven saying Stacey is unable to travel without medical transportation and insurance companies won't help.

"On her 30th birthday my sister was told by the doctors that she now has an infection from the surgery performed on the previous day and that she can't travel until its cleared up," Caitlyn Louise‎ told Seven News Brisbane in a Facebook post.


"We have contacted the embassy and the consulate and the travel insurance company but none of them can get her a medical flight home."

Speaking to News Corp, Sinead said doctors have removed Stacey's calf muscle completely in order to stitch her skin together. However she said the skin around the stitches is "turning grey".

She also said there have been moments she thought her friend would die from blood loss. She felt the difficult conditions in the Thai hospital were making things worse, claiming Stacey was lying in "her own sweat and blood".

"She lost so much blood that she’s had 10 blood transfusions but at one point she was just so white I thought, ‘Oh my god my friend is going to die'," Sinead said.

“We’re just doing everything we can to get her home and stop her leg from being amputated and make sure she survives this."

To donate to help Stacey return home to receive treatment, click here.

2. Police say "shoe of interest" key to finding the killer of murdered QLD mum Donna Steele.


Queensland Police believe a man's size 10 black running shoe could be key to solving the murder of Cooktown mum Donna Steele.

The shoe was found around the time Ms Steele's body was discovered at a popular fishing spot, four days after she vanished on August 2.

Police have appealed for information to identify the owner of the size 10 man's black Champion Gusto running shoe, AAP reports.


Detective Acting Superintendent Geoff Marsh says the shoe has been extensively examined and finding the shoe's owner is a priority for investigators.

"We would like to now move forward and find out the ownership so that the investigation can generate new lines of enquiry or we can dismiss the shoe," he said.

Described as a "shoe of interest", it is the first item police have released to the public in an attempt to solve the case.

"I have some very experienced, senior investigators in Cooktown who are extremely frustrated by the slow progress of the investigation," Supt Marsh said.


"That frustration is nothing compared to the anguish that Donna's family feels. It's now coming on three months and her murder remains unsolved."

3. Arrest warrant issued for actress Rose McGowan.

An arrest warrant has been issued for Rose McGowan as a result of a drug charge stemming from items left behind on a flight arriving at Washington Dulles International Airport on January 20.


According to the Associated Press, police reported that traces of narcotics were found on the items. Police have attempted to contact McGowan so she can appear in court but she has not responded, leading to the issuance of the warrant.

The Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Police Department obtained the warrant on February 1.

McGowan has become a leading feminist voice on Twitter after being named in a New York Times expose as one of the women who settled sexual harassment suits with Harvey Weinstein.

McGowan also told the New York Times that she had been offered $US1 million ($A1.3 million) by Weinstein in hush money if she signed a non-disclosure agreement just weeks before the report broke.

McGowan tweeted about the arrest warrant: "Are they trying to silence me? There is a warrant out for my arrest in Virginia. What a load of HORSES**T."

4. Turnbull's citizenship turmoil continues, as Senate President's status in question.


Malcolm Turnbull faces further turmoil over the citizenship saga, with Senate President Stephen Parry signalling he might have to quit over his British ties.

The Tasmanian Liberal senator's revelation on Tuesday came as Labor called on Mr Turnbull to clarify whether he held any doubts about the eligibility of members of his Liberal team, AAP reports.

The Greens and crossbenchers say an audit of all MPs is needed to clarify the situation, while Senator Cory Bernardi has gone further and called for parliament to be suspended while checks are done.

"The Turnbull Government is lurching from crisis to crisis," acting Labor leader Tanya Plibersek said on Tuesday.

"It's extraordinary that the president of the Senate - who oversaw several High Court referrals - did not reflect on his own eligibility until just days ago."


She said the Prime Minister had shown terrible judgment throughout the saga and needed to come clean on whether he had doubts about MPs other than the seven referred to the court.

Senator Parry is awaiting advice from British authorities about whether he holds UK citizenship through his father, who came to Australia as a boy in 1951.

"In the event that I am found to hold British citizenship by virtue of my father's status, then I will clearly be in breach of Section 44(1) of the constitution and would therefore resign as President of the Senate," Senator Parry said.

"I would further resign as a senator for the state of Tasmania and not await the outcome of any referral to the High Court, as I believe the High Court has made it abundantly clear what action is required."

5. "Nothing short of terrifying." Serial stalker who terrorised women at knife-point jailed for 10 years.


A man who stalked and assaulted six women in Adelaide over a 36-hour period has been jailed for more than 10 years.

Jie Daniel Curtis targeted women, and in one case a teenage girl, in attacks over two days in February last year with a judge describing his offending as "nothing short of terrifying", AAP reports.

In some of the assaults the 37-year-old was armed with a knife and in one case he grabbed a woman by the shoulder, pressed the blade into her hip and told her to "come for a little walk".

In another, he stalked a 16-year-old girl as she walked home from school but fled in a stolen car when the teenager ran towards a nearby house to seek help.

Passing sentence in the District Court on Tuesday, Judge Sophie David said the impact of Curtis's offending on his victims was significant and far-reaching.

"Each victim speaks of the shock they felt at being assaulted by you in daylight on a public street, of their fear and vulnerability in the face of your actions and how your offending conduct has changed the way in which they approach their lives," the judge told Curtis.


"You assaulted women who were simply going about their daily routines, as they were entitled to do."

The judge jailed Curtis for 10 years and nine months and set a non-parole period of seven years.

6. Scientists find genetic links to allergies, asthma and eczema.


Genetic risks and links between asthma, hay fever and eczema have been identified in an international study, which analysed the genomes of 360,838 people.

The study, to be released by Dr Manuel Ferreira at Brisbane's QIMR Berghofer complex on Tuesday, was the first to explore the three most common allergic conditions, AAP reports.

After working with collaborators from Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, the UK and the US, 136 genetic risk factors, which indicate a predisposition to developing the allergies, were found.

The identified risks, which were found in genomes, influenced whether 132 genes were switched on or off.

"We think that these genes influence the risk of asthma, hay fever and eczema by affecting how the cells of the immune system work," Dr Ferreira said.

"For example, we found one gene - called PITPNM2 - that is more likely to be switched off in people who smoke. If this gene is switched off, then the risk of developing allergies increases."

About 2.5 million people across Australia suffer from asthma and about 4.5 million from hay fever, according to 2014-2015 statistics.

Dr Ferreira and researchers have also found drugs they believe could target the genes and treat allergies, and may begin testing them in a laboratory.

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