
Spot Medic is the genius quick-fix pimple solution you've been crying out for.

Image: supplied.

As a cold sore sufferer, I’ve long sworn by patches for those days where I wake up with a killer sore. They help treat and conceal so I can at least look human – even if I feel far from it.

Then a few weeks ago I came up with what I thought was a genius plan; patches that do the same for pimples, so you don’t have to walk around with a great glob of white spot cream that essentially screams to the world “Hey everyone, look at my pimple!”.

Turns out the whizzes behind Spot Medic have already beaten me to it. While my million dollar idea may have fallen through, I’ve finally found a pimple solution that solves the never-ending “Do I just slather concealer on top and hope for the best or do I brave the world with a glob of pimple cream on my face?” internal debate.

How does it work?

An adhesive circular patch that comes in a range of sizes and looks a little bit like a gel plaster, Spot Medic is a hydrocolloid mask that contain components like non-animal derived gelatin and pectic that promote wound healing.

Bottom line? It helps treat and get rid of pimples faster and without leaving a crusty mess – and I’ve found you can actually use it in two ways.

Smiling with a spot? Not a normal occurrence. Image: supplied.

1. To treat overnight

You've felt the dreaded tickling sensation of a pimple lurking under the skin all day and now it's finally burst through. Resist the urge to pick or squeeze (it's not worth it in the long term, I promise!) and instead gently clean and dry the area.

Select the patch that's the right size and press and hold for 30 seconds over the spot to ensure it sticks. It creates a barrier between your skin and your finger so you resist the temptation to touch and worsen the situation. Then sleep - your work is done for the night.

In the morning, the patch will probably have turned white. Don't panic, that's the patch doing it's thing and drawing out the nasty stuff from the pimple. Gently peel off and cleanse and dry the affected area - I like to use a swipe of micellar water as it doesn't irritate skin. (Post continues after gallery.)

Your pimple should look smaller, less inflamed and NOT surrounded by crusty scabs that are hard to hide. If you're not bothered by wearing the patch, you can repeat during the day or use another one the next night if needed.

2. To help conceal

Because it doesn't make your spot crusty, theoretically you can add a tiny dab of concealer onto the spot to hide, but I actually prefer to wear a patch during the day and apply concealer on top. That way I'm doing some good for it at the same time as concealing.

What spot? Image: supplied.


Make sure the patch is firmly on the area, then gently tap concealer over it. You can use your finger but I find that using a sponge also does a natural looking job. As the day goes on if the patch does turn white, simply add a touch more concealer or apply a new one, depending on how noticeable it is.

You can find Brite Spot Medic Patches, $14.95 at your local Priceline.

What's your quick-fix pimple solution you swear by?

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