There I was, on the couch, enjoying a nice cup of tea when I looked up and saw a man’s leg snap.
The footy’s back, everyone.
And it’s brutal.
It seems like almost every night of the week there’s a ‘clash’ on the tele, not just between teams, but between heads, body parts, and limbs that should normally not collide with each other.
And I know it’s a contact sport. Injuries are part of the game, I get that.
But these days, those injuries are all-up-in-HD-resolution-on-our-huge-TV-screens for us to watch, over and over and over again. Those collisions are replayed, multiple times, from multiple angles, slowed down so you can see the precise moment that a kneecap escapes across a leg, a shoulder slides out of its socket, or a leg bone is snapped.
And I can't watch it anymore.
I can't stomach any more slow motion replays of bones, muscles, sinew going to places they should not.
So a request, if I may, to the TV networks, to the nightly newscasts, and to the commentators that make a living from this sport. A plea from the weaker of stomached out there:
Can we kindly have a trigger warning?
Just a sliver of a second for you to say:
If you're watching this you might want to look away now as it is mega gross.