real life

This woman just discovered her boyfriend has very strange custody arrangement with his ex.

Relationships don’t always work out.

People break up at all stages of life, splitting homes, furniture and sharing custody of children and pets.

But one couple has a strange arrangement. And we mean strange.

A woman has posted to Mumsnet seeking advice about her boyfriend of two and a half years, who has “shared custody” of a teddy bear with a former girlfriend of ten years.

She is understandably… concerned.

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“A few months before we got together, DP had split with his ex, who he’d been with for over a decade. Their split was amicable but they’ve hardly had any contact since,” she began.

“When DP moved in, over a year ago, his ex came to my house to collect Bear who was going “on holiday” with her. DP hadn’t warned me this was happening, and I was just expecting her to drop some of DP’s stuff off,” she added.

Oh, honey.

Amazingly, the post gets weirder.

“I thought that was the end of it and she would be too embarrassed to ask for Bear again,” she understandably believed, and then things got worse for the poor woman.


Her partner then mentioned, a year later, that he was taking “Bear” who was off on his Christmas holidays back to his ex that night before meeting his mates for drinks.

She explained that the whole arrangement makes her feel “incredibly weird” and “insecure” because of course it does. 

“And then there’s the fact that it’s so f**king weird,” she added because yeah, it really, really is.

The people of Mumsnet were equally as confused.

“Nothing would make this less weird. He needs to just give her the bear…” wrote one user.

“If you’re not taking the piss you need to dump this loser and start dating grown ups,” wrote another.

We have one piece of advice for this woman.

Run, don’t walk.

How did you cope – or flourish – during or after your split? Share your tips with us below.

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