
'Organised Crime'. 'Wallet Rape'. And the other dangers of speed cameras.

Hide yo kids. Hide yo wife. Because there is something raping everybody’s wallets out there. Seems the “police” and “authorities” are ruining all the “fun” by putting “speed cameras” on roads.

That’s right. You think they’re the police? Nah. They’re actually the fun police.  And they’re ruining everything with their speed cameras, capturing and fining people who aren’t sticking to the enforceable speed limit.

Luckily for us, a group of inventive motorists are determined to save us from this outrageous flouting of “law enforcement”.


Hide yo kids. Hide yo wife.


Block Their Shot is a social media campaign gaining momentum across Australia.  They have a strong anti-wallet-rape message, which they encourage by asking motorists pull up behind a speed camera van and obscure the camera view of passing vehicles.

Like this guy. His car is so sik. That’s why it broke down, bruz.

The online community, which boasts almost 37,000 followers, features photos of motorists parked behind the vans in various ploys of camera blocking.

Cunning campaigners pull over to the side of the road in fake accidents, breakdowns, even nappy changes.


An Anti-wallet rape activist at work.

The civil disobedience campaign has spread from New South Wales across the country, and even into the exotic island of Tasmania, where reports of speed cameras this organised crime racket have surfaced too.

A salute to law enforcement and road safety.

The move has infuriated road safety advocates, with the NSW Road Minister, Duncan Gay, calling them “idiots” and threatening them with fines for their stupidity.

Rumors of a second campaign titled “Block The Minister From Fining Us” are unsubstantiated. And whether or not there is a bonnet big enough to erect outside the NSW Parliament House is not yet known.

Grey nomads? More like renegade nomads.

It’s a pretty great idea.  But here’s a better one:

How about you just don’t speed?


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