
She gave birth in secret on Christmas Eve. What happened next is utterly heartbreaking.






In what can only be described as utterly heartbreaking, a Spanish woman has thrown her new born baby out of her kitchen window in Madrid.

After secretly giving birth on Christmas Eve, the woman then proceeded to cut her own umbilical cord and try and dispose of the baby without detection. The baby, although in a critical condition has survived the fall.

“The 35-year-old woman, who lived with her parents in eastern Madrid, was detained on suspicion of attempting to kill the baby, police said. “The woman wrapped the baby in a pair of jeans and threw it out of the kitchen window into an interior patio,” police said in a statement.

It is believed she kept the pregnancy a secret from both her friends and family. Her parents weren’t aware that she was either pregnant or about to give birth.

She cut the umbilical cord herself after giving birth in the early hours of the morning and then threw the child out of the kitchen window, about 2.2 metres above an interior patio, police said. However, shortly afterwards she suffered heavy bleeding and asked her parents to take her to hospital.

“Later, at about 8.30am, the grandmother of the newborn went into the kitchen and, looking out of the window, saw a baby in the patio. She ran out to pick it up and alerted emergency services,” police said.

In what can only be described as disturbing, two police officers arrived at the home to find the baby wrapped in blankets, suffering from hypothermia and without a heartbeat or regular breathing pattern. They managed to revive the baby and make it to the hospital.

The child has been described as being in a “serious condition” by Spanish authorities.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the newborn.

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