
Meet Beauty Vlogger Idol finalist: Sophie Thomason.

Meet Beauty Vlogger Idol finalist: Sophie Thomason.

Hello there! My name’s Sophie Thomason and I’m a Make-up Artist and aspiring Beauty Vlogger.

I’m 20 years old and I’ve just completed my Diploma of Specialist Makeup Services in Sydney, and now I’m a Beauty Advisor at Priceline.

I’ve entered this competition because I love everything to do with makeup/beauty, and I would love the opportunity to be able to teach you gorgeous people what I already know, and also learn lots of stuff I don’t know!

I’ve really enjoyed watching beauty vloggers on YouTube for a while now, and I love the idea that we can share our favourite techniques and tips & tricks with the entire world on the internet and that so many people gain so much from just a short 4 minute video – makeup and people are always evolving and I definitely want to be involved in that!

Someone once told me that wearing makeup is lying about what you look like – I think that this is so untrue and that wearing makeup is about emphasising and expressing who you are. This is why I enjoy it so much!

I hope I can get the opportunity to work with you guys and show you more of myself and what I can do.

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