I spent about 30 seconds this morning peering at a couple of photos of Sophie Monk’s vagina.
I will never get those 30 seconds back. And yet they provided me with ample food for thought.
A friend had emailed me a link to a site, which had published all the photos from Monk’s recent Playboy shoot (You can see the photos here. NB: You are leaving us for Playboy and you should know the photos are NSFW) and here were the things I noticed. In order.
1. She has beautiful breasts. I wonder if they are real?
2. Why do women posing naked always look so serious? If I had breasts like that I would be smiling all the time.
One of the images from Sophie Monk’s Playboy shoot.
3. Is it hygenic to straddle a motorbike? Oh hang on, she’s laid down a towel over the seat. Phew.
4. Are naked women straddling motorbikes still a sexy thing in 2014? I’m so out of touch.
5. Sophie has no pubes. None. None at all.
We’ll get to Sophie’s AWOL vagina in a moment, I just wanted to go back to the pubes for a sec.
This is the second pubeless famous vagina I have seen in a matter of weeks and I have some questions. Does nobody have pubes anymore? I don’t see a lot of vaginas in the course of my day or my life. I don’t go to public swimming pools or gyms and I don’t watch porn, so the only vaginas I have seen in the past little while are those belonging to myself, Kim Kardashians and Sophie Monk.