
News: Is this what happened to Demi Moore?

Why was Demi Moore admitted to hospital?

News reports have been buzzing this week about why Demi Moore was admitted to hospital. Some say it was substance abuse – or that she was inahling nitrous gas that comes in whipped cream cannisters. Her rep said it was “exhaustion”. Whatever it was, Taiwanese news company NMA  created this helpful animation to shed some light on how she’s coping after her split from Ashton Kutcher.

Investigation into Kyle Sandilands’ on-air conduct

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has announced it will investigate complaints made about radio host Kyle Sandilands. “The ACMA is investigating a complaint about Kyle Sandilands’ remarks on radio of 22 November 2011,” ACMA said on its Facebook page. “The results of that investigation will be made available in due course.” Sandilands caused a massive stir in November last year when he called News Limited journalist Alison Stephenson “a piece of shit” and threatened to hunt her down after she wrote a story about Kyle and Jackie O’s debut television show, which focused on negative viewer comments.

In the weeks after Sandilands made the comments on air, most of the sponsors of the Kyle and Jackie O show pulled their advertising.

The Hottest 100 – did you pick it?

The number 1 song Somebody that I used to know was the shortest price favourite to win in the history of the competition so chances are, you could have picked it to win. But what about the rest of the top 10? It’s a list that has – of course – sparked a bit of debate about what should have been in there. The Black Keys took out second with Lonely Boy and Matt Corby came in third with Brother. The rest:


4. Feeding Line – Boy & Bear

5. Midnight City – M83

6. Video Games – Lana Del Rey

7. Awkward – San Cisco

8. Boys Like You (featuring Gossling) – 360

9. Endless Summer – The Jezabels

10. I Love It (featuring Sia) – Hilltop Hoods

Leaders evacuated as protestors clash

Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott were both ‘extracted’ from a glass-walled Canberra restaurant as around 200 protestors chanting ‘shame’ and ‘racist’ surrounded the building. They were stirred into protest after comments made earlier in the day by Mr Abbott, suggesting the Aboriginal tent embassy might no longer be necessary. “I think a lot has changed for the better since then. I think the indigenous people of Australia can be very proud of the respect in which they are held by every Australian. I think a lot has changed since then, and I think it probably is time to move on from that.” The embassy was celebrating its 40-year anniversary with a Corroboree for Sovereignty in which thousands of Indigenous Australians were participating. The riot squad were called to remove the PM who instructed her security detail to ensure Mr Abbott was also helped out. Meshel Laurie writes for Mamamia today: “Don’t let these images harden your heart.”

Incredible pictures from the extraction plus more from the week here:

Minister explains plagiarised speech


Federal Transport Minister Anthony Albanese has explained the speech he read, which contained lines almost identical to those delivered by Michael Douglas in The American President, was written by a group of his ministerial staff. “That was not a line I put into the speech. Information comes in from various sources. Sometimes people say, ‘why don’t you say this?’ It is very much a third-hand – someone said something to someone who thought it was a good line,” Mr Albanese said. “But I gave the speech. I’m not about buck-passing.” It’s the first official comment Mr Albanese has given on the matter, aside from a tweet he sent on the same day it happened: “D’oh! Stuff up (for the record, that comes from another great American, Homer Simpson).

C-section babies more likely to get infections: study

A study of New South Wales births by researchers at the Royal North Shore Hospital’s Kolling Institute have found babies delivered by caesarian section are 22-26 per cent more likely to be hospitalised due to gastrointestinal infections and 12 per cent more likely for bronchiolitis, a chest infection. The study co-author Charles Algert said children born by caesarean could miss out on picking up important gut bacteria that children born naturally get during the birth. “We take all these yoghurts and things to get the right bacteria in our guts but the baby travelling through the birth canal is going to get the right sorts of bacteria,” he said. The study, which analysed data from 626,700 births in NSW between 2001 and 2008, found women who gave birth by caesarean were 70 per cent more likely to be diagnosed with a complication affecting breastfeeding.

What else is in the news and on your mind?
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