
Video of New Zealand soldiers doing the Haka goes viral.


Yesterday Australians paused at 11.00am and remembered.

We were joined by millions around the Commonwealth who took one minute out of their day to reflect on the passing of members of our armed forces. We took the time to consider the ultimate sacrifice. We thought of the perils of war and the reasons they are fought. We thought of those who died and what they gave their lives fighting for.

Soldiers in New Zealand paused and thought about men and women – who are not distant memories – but who were mates and comrades. Soldiers who have died in wars the nation is still fighting and whose bodies are only now returning home.

The way they chose to remember their mates was something special: primal anguish expressed with beautifully controlled passion. The silence at the end of the video is, in particular, poignant.

Please take the time to watch and reflect once more.

Lest we forget.

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