
Is social media just making us all antisocial?

“Who calls after you meet someone?” Nathan Valvo






You’re at a concert, buzzing with excitement that you’re seeing <insert popstar/rocker name here> in the FLESH, surrounded by thousands of screaming fans and… the woman beside you watches the entire thing through her iPhone.

She doesn’t take just the occasional photo, but experiences the concert through a screen. It makes you wonder what the point is.

The love of your life stands opposite to you. He sinks to his knees and fumbles inside his jeans’ pocket for a moment. Your eyes bug open as your realise that this is IT, he is proposing, DAMN why didn’t you get a manicure last Saturday!

He says some beautiful words, you joyously accept and then your soon-to-be-husband pulls out his phone. Facebook needs to know you’re engaged, right? Status update time.

Social media is changing everything about the way we communicate and interact with each other. But are we sacrificing the quality of our communication with each other, in pursuit of quantity? We got together six of our favourite Mamamia personalities and asked them to solve this life problem over a few beers at the Watson’s Bay Hotel.

Here’s what they came up with.



     Supported by Lion. 


Have a beer on us! 

The wonderful people at Watsons Bay Boutique Hotel are giving one lucky reader a $100 voucher. Comment below and let us know which one of life’s little problems you are going to solve over a beer with friends for your chance to win! ( sorry under 18-year-olds, your entries aren’t considered eligible – for obvious reasons.) 

Missed an episode? SEE more from our favourite Mamamia personalities here:

Episode 2 – Sharing your worst job.
Episode 3 – Are celebrities positive role models?
Episode 4 – Do you have to have a bad relationship before you can have a good one?
Episode 5 – Gen x Vs Gen y – which gen is better to work with?
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