
This clever video will make you view the "right to be a bigot" a little differently.


Under new government guidelines, public servants are banned from criticising the Prime Minister on social media (yep, even anonomously), and are urged to dob in colleagues who do.

What’s more, these new Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet guidelines come just weeks after Attorney-General George Brandis defended “the right to be a bigot.”

Because FREE SPEECH, duh.

If this kind-of-baffling scenario doesn’t already strike you as a little bit, well, outrageous and hypocritical odd, it most likely will after watching this hilarious video.

Watch the video,  by satirists A Rational Fear, right here:

If you can’t get away to watch it right now, the video takes the form of a mock-public service announcement for the government’s views on free speech.

The narrator perkily informs viewers that “any post that’s critical of the department or Prime Minister is a no no… But we want you to know that we would never encroach upon your right to be a bigot.”

“So when you’re upset and want to tell the world? Please, make it racist,” she continues, as she strides around the department peering at employee’s drafted tweets.

The video ends with the witty slogan: “If they tweet something, say something. (Unless it’s bigotry.)”

Clever, huh?

What’s your take on the video? Do you agree the new guidelines go too far?

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