
Snez tells us what life is REALLY like when you live with The Bachelor.

Talk about a sliding doors moment.

You are living in Perth, a single mum working as a sales rep by day and studying by night. You’re planning on joining the police force, where you are hoping to become a forensics expert.

And then you get accepted to go a reality TV show. One your nine-year-old daughter’s been nagging you to go on – a little finding-love number called The Bachelor.

One year later, you are engaged to a man with his own successful business. You and your daughter have moved cities. And you are getting to explore a completely different kind of career – the kind that high-profile people get to design.

Listen to Snez talking about her new reality, here (Post continues after audio): 

That’s where Snezana Markoski finds herself right now: A mum, a partner, and an emerging lifestyle “brand” in her own right, with her own blog, her own endorsements, her own celebrity.

And it’s a bit weird.

When I sat down with Snez – as she is now universally known – she seemed like a woman still working through what had happened to her life. How to get around her new home city of Melbourne, how to learn to live with someone again, how to deal with the attention and criticism that gets flung in her direction, how to take advantage of the freedom to make a career in a field she loves – fashion, beauty and health.

Holly with Snez, image supplied.

In person, Snez is exceptionally good-looking  (of course), open, warm and friendly.  It's easy to see why what happened, happened. It's difficult to imagine a man like Sam Wood being able to resist a woman like Snezana Markoski.

But life is an adjustment - Snez says she's still learning what it's like to share parenting again after years of doing it alone. "Sam and Eve get along really well and he's taken on a lot of roles, which I wasn't expecting him to... He'll take her on all her playdates. I've never taken her on one!


"It's always been just me so I have always been very, 'this is my way', so I've had to be a bit more open-minded.

"It's not just me any more. He'll say to me 'let me do it,' and I'll be 'no, no... and he says,  'You don't have to, I'm here to help you with this now'."

Sam and Snez via Instagram.

Sam, meanwhile, is adjusting to not living like a single person.

"I'm learning to let go of a bit of control," says Snez. "And he's had to learn to stop living like a single guy who can drop his clothes all over the floor. It's working really well."

And they are both adjusting to the endless interest in what they do and where they go.

"When you have so many people following you and ready to scrutinise, you have to stop and really analyse what you're doing and how it can be received.  It's exhausting."

We discussed what it was like to suddenly become the Internet's most hated parent (for one day only), when a picture she posted of her and Eve in the bath became a target for a tsunami of criticism.

Image via Instagram: @samjameswood.

"In the picture in the bath, she was wearing a top but her hair was over it and you couldn't see," says Snez now. "It was meant to be making fun of girls who pose a lot in photos. It was meant to be an over-posed photo."

But it was an experience that taught her to be hyper-aware of how social media - which is now a large part of her day and her job - can be misconstrued. Now she second-guesses every post, and if that sounds exhausting, it is.

"These people don't really know you, so it's not as personal as [real life] bullying," she shrugs.

Sometimes, when your life changes, it can take a while for the rest of you to catch up.

Listen to the full episode of I Don't Know How She Does It, here: 

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