I’m so sleep-deprived I’ve employed matchsticks to keep my eyes open, which might explain why they’re burning. Though a more likely explanation would be the fact I have two children under the age of four and haven’t slept since their date of manufacture. If you could buy sleep I’d be broke.
My darling daughter recently woke me at 2am. For a euphoric second I thought it was morning and we’d miraculously slept through. Then I realised it was a clear night and the moon was mocking me through the curtains. As usual, I tried to ignore her in the hope she would realise the absurdity of the hour and take pity on me. As usual, she didn’t.
Then things turned decidedly unusual. I could tell by the panic in her voice.
“Daddy,” she said, “I’ve got a sultana in my nose.”
I have been snatched from slumber for a variety of reasons, including the branch of the tree I was sleeping in giving way. Never has dried fruit in a facial orifice been among my first conscious thoughts, if in fact I was conscious. I sat on the side of the bed and held my daughter’s size three hands. Even mundane scenarios are confusing when your head has left the pillow but your brain is still upon it. Several possibilities fought their way through the fog:
1) We do have Sultana Bran in the pantry but surely she hadn’t been out there ferreting about or I’d have heard her.