
'I’m a beauty editor who just turned 31. Here are 5 things I’ve learnt about my skin.'

I recently turned 31. And I'm weirdly excited. I'm officially 'in' my thirties and I feel like there are a lot of good changes that are going to happen in this decade. I'm getting married! Becoming an aunty! Can't stay up past 10 pm!

But it seems like there's a little, teeny tiny something that's holding me back from throwing myself into my thirties and absolutely *loving* every inch of it.

It's not so much the number (she's fine), but more because I know that ageing brings with it a whole new slew of skin concerns I'm not really ready to have on my plate (face). I've JUST started to get the whole skincare-in-your-20 things under control.

Watch: Here are 7 ways to improve your skin while sleeping. Post continues below.

Video via Mamamia

Sure - the changes are very small, subtle and sneaky - but gosh, they're happening.

If you're in your 30s like me, you'll notice your moisture literally gets TAKEN from you, your collagen decides to go on an extended holiday, and your lines and wrinkles start doing the MOST to take the spotlight. 

Listen: In your 20s? Listen to our bonus weekend episode on absolutely EVERYTHING you need to add to your skincare routine in your 20s. Post continues below.


For this reason, my skin's needs have changed - and there are a few different things I've been doing in my routine to reflect this. 

So, on that note, here are five of the main things that have happened to my skin in my 30s.

1. The breakouts. They don't stop.

Remember when you were a teenager and you used to get breakouts and you were all like, 'I can't wait until I'm a grown-up and won't have to deal with pimples'? And then you were an adult?? And the breakouts didn't... stop?


My breakouts come in waves. Some weeks I'll have clear skin, and other weeks I'll have deep cystic baddies, pulsating around my chin. I'm pretty sure it's a combination of hormones/trying eleventy million products a week/stress, but the main thing that's changed is how I manage them.

Because breakouts in your 30s are very different to breakouts in your teens. Instead of dealing with clogged pores and bacteria, you're more than likely dealing with fluctuating hormones – which will usually pop up on the chin, jawline, and cheeks.

When I was a teen and in my early 20s, I remember using some crazy strong products - the type of stuff that would literally bleach my towels. These days, however, I focus on using hardworking products and ingredients that are effective but won’t absolutely destroy my skin barrier. 


Gentle acids like lactic acid are my go-to, along with nourishing ingredients to help soothe and calm inflammation.

2. My skin needs moisture. SO MUCH MOISTURE.

My skin also progressively got drier as I hit my late 20s/early 30s.

As you age, your skin obviously loses its ability to hold onto moisture - it's thinner, loses fat and isn't quite as nimble as it once was. Your cell turnover is less effective, sebum glands don't work like they used to, etc. etc.

For this reason, one of the most important parts of my skincare routine is doing everything I can to quench my thirsty skin. 

My routine is full of nourishing ingredients like hyaluronic acid and niacinamide (usually in the form of a serum used in the AM and PM), along with a moisturiser. 

I'm a slugger - I'll cover my face in a thick barrier cream a couple of nights a week to support my skin's barrier and give it as much moisture as I can.

3. The early signs of ageing have shown up. They want to chat.

They're hereeeee! I've noticed more prominent ones around my eyes. Nasolabial folds. Forehead.

But, hey - it happens! To everyone!

However, there are some different things I'm doing with my skincare to help give my collagen production a little push - which includes (but is not limited to) using a product with vitamin A.

I've had a complicated relationship with vitamin A, but once you work out the perfect concentration for your skin and use it correctly, you'll notice just how many benefits it offers your cute little face.


4. Everything is way more sensitive.

As I've mentioned more times than necessary, my skin is so sensitive. Even more so now. And while it has a lot to do with ageing, I think it is equal parts due to the fact I used to use an exfoliating glove/brush ON MY FACE when I was a teen. Absolute monster material.

These days, my skin doesn't like being scrubbed. At all. It also doesn't like dealing with really spicy acids. And it's not afraid to flare up if it feels upset or irritated (all the time).

That's why I primarily use gentle products suitable for dry and sensitive skin. Sometimes it's hard, though. Being a beauty editor entails the very fortunate privilege of trialling a LOT of different products - which sounds dreamy (it is!), but can sometimes make my skin freak out.

5. Things start to look a little... duller.

Off the back of my face having the water content of tree bark, I've noticed things have started looking a little dull. Tired. And I just know there's a whole heap of pigmentation waiting to come out and make a whole song and dance.

For this reason, antioxidants and I have become VERY good mates - ingredients like vitamin C help to brighten my mug and make it look a little more... alive.

What changes have you noticed in your skin in your 30s? Go on - I shared mine! Pop 'em in the comment section below.

Wanna hear more from Erin? Follow her on Instagram.

Feature image: Supplied/Erin Docherty

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