
We chat to SISTER2sister founder and CEO Jessica Brown.

Dairy Australia
Thanks to our brand partner, Dairy Australia

Mamamia has teamed up with Dairy Australia to bring you our ‘Legendairy Hero’ series – a three-part video series celebrating ordinary Australians doing extraordinary things.

The first two parts of the series introduced you to Ronni Kahn, founder and CEO of OzHarvest, and Renee Gracie, V8 Supercar Racer.

Last but not least, Jessica Brown, founder and CEO of SISTER2sister. This unique mentoring & risk management program is designed to empower disadvantaged girls by providing them with a stable female role model.

“The complexities of being a disadvantaged girl means that you don’t get the same opportunities in life,” Brown said. “We match these girls up with a female role model who has set goals and achieved them. Someone who is there to guide them, and someone they can aspire to be like.”

Girls that have participated in the program have gone from living on the streets to completing university, travelling the world, and becoming loving mothers.

For her commitment to giving disadvantaged girls a brighter future, we’re proud to present Jessica Brown as a Legendairy Hero.

What community causes are you passionate about?

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