Aunt Flow. Crimson Tide. Red Sea. The Rag. TOM (time of the month).
You can give it any name you want; there are plenty of them. It’s inevitable. It’s going to happen. You might not want to think about it but it doesn’t make it go away. You can prepare all you want but you’ll never know when or where this event will take place. If you have a daughter, she is going to start menstruating one day; the inaugural event I’ve secretly wished for my daughters to miraculously be with their mothers during this time. Well, it didn’t happen that way.
I can see the headline now: Dad Takes Daughter to Urgent Care for Cramps. And that’s exactly what I did. She’s complained about stomach problems in the past, but typically after eating junk food, washed down by more junk food, and has decided junk food for dessert is a swell idea. She was lying flat on her back on the couch, it was early Saturday morning and she was crying. This time was different; the pain was different; her cries were different. She needed me.
From the couch to the car to urgent care, I carried her, all 82.2 pounds of her. We were able to see the doctor pretty quickly and he quickly ordered a urinalysis and x-ray after giving her some pain meds. After the test and x-ray came back, he ordered blood-work as a precaution, but determined that it appeared she was simply having really bad cramps, the beginning of a young girl about to start menstruation. Any type of pain sucks, but what really sucks is new pain; pain you’re unfamiliar with. It’s harder to manage, and it’s very difficult for me, a dad, to relate to this specific kind.