
$100,000 kid’s birthday parties are here. Sorry.

Sorry, people spend how much on their child’s birthday party?

Kid’s birthday parties are a very big deal these days.

There seems to be a whole industry built on helping parents pull out their wallets in order to make sure their child and a tribe of their friends have the experience of a (five year long) lifetime.

On Monday, the BBC reported average birthday party spending in the UK, “On average, parents spend £135 ($265 AUD) on their child’s party, with one-in-six parents admitting to splashing out over £300 ($588 AUD).” They spoke to one event manager who described kid’s birthday parties up to $250,000 AUD.

You know what, I’m all for it.

Booking a magic show? Get into it.

Bringing in a circus troupe? Couldn’t be happier for you?

Hiring party planners to do the coordinated decorations? Fantastic.

Sticking Tiffany jewellery in the party bags? Magnificent. (Can I have one, please?)

Bec & Chris Judd with their children at Billie's 1st birthday party. image via instagram

I love Bec Judd more than your average RebeccaJuddLoves mummy lover and I spent a considerable period of time poring over the photos of the birthday party she threw for her little girl.

The coordinated decorations and table settings could not have been prettier. Even now, months later, I can’t help but delight in the paper chandelier installation, and fawn over the hydrangeas and water colour cupcakes.

Let me tell you why.

When my son’s 4th birthday rolls around and he has a few friends over for pass-the-parcel and a piece of cake, simplicity will be a novelty for the kids.


Just a fun-filled birthday party for happy little boys thrown together with ease and minimal fuss.

It will be the birthday party from our own childhoods; musical chairs, cakes from the Women’s Weekly Birthday Cake Book, pin the tail on the donkey, pass the parcel and lolly bags.

My son’s 4th birthday will be just pass the parcel and a piece of cake.

If I really want to splash out, I might do what my girlfriend’s genius mother used to do; make ice cream cake by turning out a tub of ice cream onto a platter and covering it in smarties.

I’m absolutely not hiring a jumping castle. There will be no booking party rooms at indoor playgrounds. Under no circumstances will there be fancy restaurant catering brought in.

Birthday parties at my house will involve egg and spoon races and apple bobbing.

Rather than feeling pressure to keep up with the Joneses, I’m convinced that while people are spending hundreds on kid’s birthday parties, the simple old-fashioned afternoon birthday party will be refreshing if not the best afternoon in a little kid’s life.

Check out the gorgeous party Bec Judd threw for her daughter's first birthday.

Do you throw your kids an old-fashioned birthday or do you prefer something more extravagant?

Want more? Try this.

"Don't judge me, but... I threw my child's birthday on a school night."

"My daughter fears birthday parties."

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