
6 quotes from Simon Gittany's girlfriend that made us intensely uncomfortable.

Rachelle Louise on Sunday Night.




Her name is Rachelle Lousie.

Her boyfriend is Simon Gittany. Last year, Gittany was convicted of murdering his fiance Lisa Harnum, when he threw her from the balcony of their Sydney apartment back in 2011. A court was told last year that the murder came after years of physical and emotional abuse by the 40-year-old Gittany.

Last night, 24-year-old Lousie, his new girlfriend, appeared on Channel 7’s Sunday night program.

And what she said about her relationship with Gittany and what she said about his alleged crimes, was both eery and incredibly uncomfortable.

Here’s what Louise had to say:

On believing her boyfriend Simon Gittany is innocent:

“I know Simon. He is an honest person. He does not lie to me about anything. He has been completely transparent and honest with me.”

On people saying that Rachelle Louise looks a lot like Gittany’s former fiance Lisa:

“Personally don’t think that we look alike … She’s got big beautiful eyes, and my eyes are not massive,” she said. “I think [people who suggest she and Ms Harnum look alike] are trying to make Simon look like a predator … That he allegedly killed a woman, and now he’s gone for a woman that looks like her.”

Simon Gittany with Rachelle Louise during his trial last year.

On whether Gittany has ever stopped her leaving the house:

“He’s never stopped me like physically restrained me from leaving, but he’s stopped me from leaving like, stood at the door.

“I know that he doesn’t like to leave me to leave the apartment so I purposely said ‘I’m leaving the apartment’, and he was like ‘No you’re not leaving’ and I said ‘Yes I am’.”

On the fact that Gittany once bit off a piece of a policeman’s ear in 1994:

“(He told me) he was defending himself … You know, I don’t condone what he did. But it happened.”

That’s Lisa on the left, and Rachelle on the right.

On Gittany breaking his former fiance’s Lisa’s toe:

“Well it wasn’t broken, it was fractured. I fracture my toe walking down the street. Come on.”

On why she’s convinced Simon did not throw Lisa off the balcony and that Lisa actually committed suicide:

“I’m 50 kilos. Do you think you could pick me up? I think it’s physically impossible what they’re saying that he did.”

Gittany is expected to be sentenced at the NSW Supreme Court tomorrow. 

You can read more about the Gittany case here.

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