Studies say 45% of the world’s population is sleep deprived.
And 99% of those are mums. (Okay I made that last bit up but it feels like it could be true.)
But we are aren’t we? From that last month of pregnancy when our bodies start to prepare us for the never-ending torment that is an awake newborn to the toddler years of endless night wakings and even (I’m told) up to when they are teenagers – having a child is a sure-fire guarantee you will never get a good night’s sleep again.
According to the National Sleep Foundation sleep needs vary across ages and are impacted by lifestyle and health. To determine how much sleep you need they say you have to assess where you fall on the sleep spectrum.
A National Sleep Foundation Women and Sleep poll found that the average woman aged 30-60 sleeps only six hours and forty-one minutes during the working week and that women are more likely than men to have difficulty falling and staying asleep and to experience more daytime.
Signs you are sleep deprived can range from the medical – you fall asleep immediately - to the linguistic – you use a lot of clichés.
But no hold barred they show that at the end of the day really it is true that what goes around comes around.
1. You speak in clichés.
Speaking in clichés is sign you are sleep deprived.
Joseph Ojile, Medical Director at the Clayton Sleep Institute in the United States told Greatlist that "When you're impaired, you rely on crutches, the things you know," he said.