
The 5 signs your partner is micro-cheating on you.

When we think of cheating, our minds immediately go to clandestine meetings in hotel rooms.

But what if we told you there are other, more subtle ways of cheating, that have been labelled 'micro-cheating'?

Watch: Woman discovers partner cheating through receipts left on table. Post continues after video.

Video via TikTok/@keepingup.withkeke.

"Micro-cheating is basically a term used to describe small actions or behaviours that, while not constituting full-on infidelity, may still betray a partner's trust or emotional boundaries in subtle ways," dating and relationship coach Karina Chapman told Mamamia.

"These behaviours typically involve minor acts of secrecy, flirtation or emotional connection with someone outside the relationship, often blurring the line between platonic and romantic interest."

Great, that sounds not inconspicuous at all, and super easy to spot!! (Well… it is called micro cheating.)

So what exactly are these tiny, sneaky behaviours? And how do we spot them?

Here's what Chapman told us to watch out for.

1. Texting habits.

Everyone messages every day. So how can we tell the sneaky from the innocent?

"Red flags for secretive or potentially inappropriate messaging include changes in privacy, like keeping their phone face-down, quickly closing apps when you're near, taking their phone with them from room to room when they never did before, or deleting messages regularly," says Karina.


"Other signs could be using platforms with disappearing messages, heightened secrecy about who they're chatting with, and a noticeable increase in notifications (especially at odd hours), hesitating to answer messages around you, and defensiveness if you ask about their messaging habits. This can suggest they're concealing interactions that may cross a line."

2. Social media interactions.

Ahh social media. What a magnificent tool to stay connected! But what if your partner seems a little bit too connected?

"If your partner is consistently liking or commenting on someone's posts, especially with flirtatious or personal remarks, this can hint at more than friendship," says Chapman.

"If they are quick to defend or downplay these actions, avoid acknowledging your relationship online, or show more enthusiasm in their interactions with this specific person than with you, it may indicate a desire to keep their romantic options open."

What's more, Chapman said, creating separate accounts can indicate micro-cheating. If they are very active on social media, constantly posting, and fail to post images of the two of you together, this may also suggest something fishy is going on.

3. Changes in mood and appearance.

If you've noticed your partner is suddenly really happy when mentioning that one person from work, or they *finally* upgraded their wardrobe (even though you've been nudging them to do it for years), we hate to be the bearers of (potentially) bad news…

"Indicators of a hidden crush include increased interest in their appearance, vague responses when asked about social plans, and sudden admiration for new hobbies or physical self-improvement," said Chapman.

"Mood changes around mention of this person can also suggest inappropriate feelings. Also, avoiding introducing you as their partner, using excessive praise about them, and not sharing details of these interactions can indicate a relationship boundary is being crossed."


4. Downplaying the relationship.

Girl, if you notice this — run.

"If you feel like your partner 'acts single' in social settings, then indicators will include avoiding physical affection, not making it clear that you are their partner, or skipping group events together," says Chapman.

"Other red flags are removing relationship status from social media, dressing up more for solo outings than they do when going out with you, and being evasive about who they're with. This behaviour might suggest they're presenting themselves as available or open to new connections."

5. Innocent compliments, inside jokes, or nicknames

These, says Chapman, are the more obscure, lesser-known forms of micro-cheating. The micro micro, if you will. 

"People often overlook or dismiss 'innocent' compliments, inside jokes or nicknames, consistently remembering 'little things' about someone else, keeping a 'work spouse' relationship, 'soft launching' doubts about the relationship, engaging in selective honesty, and browsing or 'checking up' on an ex," she said.

Of course, as with all things, these are dependent on your own relationship dynamics and personalities. It's important to note, says the dating coach, that what counts as micro-cheating can vary depending on the type of relationship you're in.

"Make time for open communication on this subject with your partner to define your boundaries together," she suggested.

"Work on consciously strengthening your connection — rather than unintentionally allowing micro-cheating to erode it."

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