Your sleeping position during pregnancy is about more than just comfort.
As the Stillbirth Foundation’s latest campaign advises, it’s also one of the many simple means by which women can help improve their chances of a healthy pregnancy.
“We need to get the message out there and our public education campaign is vitally important to effect real behavioural change and ensure more healthy births,” CEO of the organisation, Kate Lynch, told Mamamia.
“Too often, families are not informed about all potential preventive steps that can be taken to promote a healthy pregnancy and reduce the risk of stillbirth.”
Why is sleeping position during pregnancy so important?
Dr Rachael Hickinbotham, member of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, told Mamamia she advises patients to sleep on their side during the final trimester to reduce pressure on vital blood vessels.
“After 28 weeks an average sized baby weighs around about 1.1kg, so that’s 1.1kg of baby that’s lying on the main veins and blood vessels that drain back up to your heart,” she told Mamamia. “That can make the mother feel faint, and can potentially, downstream, lead to reduced blood supply to the placenta.”
A prolonged reduction in blood supply to the placenta causes a baby to adapt its circulation to improve the blood supply to its brain, Dr Hickinbotham continued.
“Over time these adaptations will start to fail and a baby can become growth restricted and reduce its movements to conserve energy.
“That it why it is important to always be mindful of babies movements and seek out reassurance from labour ward and health care provider if a mother feels something is wrong.”