For most of my life, I thought getting pregnant meant having unprotected sex once.
Those predatory sperms would find its way to my exposed egg and start duplicating like wildfire.
So during those early years of being sexually active, getting pregnant was my biggest fear. I took the pill religiously, triple-checked the expiry dates of condoms, micromanaged my partners to put them on properly, and tracked my cycle like clockwork.
Every month, seeing that red stain on my underwear was a breath of relief.
Watch: The two types of parents. Post continues below.
I was in school for most of my 20s.
As a career-driven young woman, I was focused on carving out my identity and purpose in the world.
Having a baby wouldn’t just throw a wrench into my plan, it meant derailing my whole life, financially, professionally, socially, emotionally, mentally, physically, and everything in between.
It was a risk I couldn’t take, not until I found the right person and had done everything I wanted to do before putting a vacant sign on my uterus.
Then I finished school and started working. I met my husband. We travelled and saw the world. My career was in a comfortable place. I got married and so did those in my social circle.