
Quiz - Should you give in to your kids and get a dog?

The ultimate in pester-power is the plea for a puppy. If you’re thinking of giving in to your kids, take this test.

It is hard being the mean person who says “no” to having an adorable, squishy faced, tongue-licking, puppy. Hopefully, after doing this quiz, you will know whether you are being mean or practical.

If you don’t have a dog when you are in the baby-making and delivering stages, then you will soon find yourself being pestered by your kids (and possibly husband too) to get a dog.

And the thought of another hungry mouth to feed makes your eye twitch. So you say “no”. And reason with “Because I said so”.

But this doesn’t stop your kids (and husband). They continue: “I will walk them every day,” says your husband, who considers exercise reaching for the remote control. “I will pick up all the poo in the garden every morning,” says your pre-schooler who still needs someone to hold their hand while they take a dump on the toilet. “I will feed them every day,” says your 7-year-old who cried for days after stabbing herself with a fork while eating dinner.

This is the face that can get you in a lot of trouble.

Before your determination waves and you get a dog, do our quick test to find out whether you really really want a dog, or just getting sucked in by cute puppy pics on Facebook.

Should we get a dog?

Answer 'true' or 'false' to the following questions. Make sure to remember your answers.


1. My family and I plan to live in Australia for the next 15 to 20 years.

2. My family and I don't even notice when Spring starts, that is how immune we are to hay fever and any other type of allergy.

3. I really hate how my carpets smell of carpets, if only they could smell like puppy wee.

4. Our family has too many clothes/shoes/toys/luxuries and we have cash to burn on vet bills, food, tick treatment, training.

5. Our family has a big garden and we'd love to see it chewed to bits. We're also missing some big holes in the lawn.

6. I (because promises aside, it will be you) have so much free time, I really would like to dedicate it to a walk a day, training the dog and giving them endless cuddles so they know they are loved.

7. My family doesn't travel very often (and we don't plan to for the next 15 to 20 years) and when we do, we are happy to use our extra cash to put the dog in a high quality non-dodgy holiday shelter.

Oh com'on, who doesn't want one of these cutie pies?

Now, if you answered true to all of them, guess what? You get to have a dog. Horray!

But, if you answered false to even just one, you really need to think about it some more. Sorry, kids (and husband).

In all seriousness, getting a dog is a big commitment. And because it is a life, you can't just return them. And because it is a life, you need to want to love the dog, even with they kill your plants, eat your lounge and pee in your new shoes. You also need to be comfortable (financially) to spend a lot of money at the vet for when they get sick.


If you are getting a dog, make sure they aren't from a puppy mill. Some pet shops are getting really awesome at not selling puppies from a puppy mill. Just ask them to provide you with some details of where the pup came from and do your research. If you get the pup from a breeder, ask to see their facilities and the parents of the pup. Not all breeders are good.

And finally, don't overlook shelters, rescue centres and pounds. You can get a puppy, adult or older dog and many recommend a dog based on your family. Also, they are usually a fraction of the cost of a puppy shop or breeder and come desexed and vaccinated. (P.S. if you want to avoid the cheeky behaviour of a puppy and rule breaking way of a teenager dog, steer for a dog 18 months old and up).

Any more words of wisdom for a family who are thinking about getting a dog?

Everyone remembers their childhood pet. Sometimes we get lucky and our childhood pets grow up right alongside us. CLICK THROUGH to see these amazing before and after photos show just how special that bond can be, even when they're all grown up. 

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