Right now is a really tough time to be a parent.
If you’ve still got a job, you know you should be feeling grateful. But what do you do with your kids? PM Scott Morrison announced earlier this month that childcare would be free. But with social distancing being enforced nationwide due to coronavirus, some parents are feeling hesitant about putting their kids into care.
As for schools, they’re still open, mostly. But the guidelines on which students should be attending differ from state to state. In Queensland, schools will only be open for children of essential workers. In Victoria, they’re open for children whose parents can’t work from home and vulnerable children. In the Northern Territory, children will be expected to attend school unless their parents make alternative arrangements.
Watch: Things parents never say on school holidays. Post continues below.
What this all means is that many parents, trying to do what’s best for their families, are struggling with difficult decisions.
One mum, who works in allied health and has a husband in an essential service, says it might be the most stressful part of the COVID-19 situation for her.
“I have cried so many times from the stress of trying to decide what’s right and from the guilt of needing to send my children to school/daycare,” she tells Mamamia. “It’s truly awful.”