My eight-year-old son has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. And I am one of ‘those’ parents who give their child the stimulant drug Ritalin.
Forget all you have read about this drug and what media has convinced you to believe. I too have read those articles, but I’ve also read a lot more other articles and papers; the ones that don’t get published because they don’t have enough media hype.
He has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: ADHD. He was born that way. As a newborn he had to be wrapped tightly and vigorously bounced for about 30 minutes to get him to sleep. He constantly craved movement. He started walking at nine months, and running at nine months and one day.
“He’s just a busy boy!” was the popular comforting phrase for my toddler. Sure, he was busy, but when his kindergarten friends could sit through a 12 page book and my son lasted two words before needing to get up and climb the walls, it was obvious to all, he was more than busy, he was hyperactive.
I am a well-educated, well-read, fairly tuned in mother. I was so used to my son’s hyperactivity that it was just the norm. I managed to tolerate all of the signs for ADHD until my son was about to start school and a speech therapist gently mentioned we should look into his “impulsivity”. Although he now lasted to the end of the first page of a story before moving away, his activity levels were far from “normal”. But my son was not a naughty child, just a ‘busy’ one.