There’s one thing I value above everything: sleep. If I’m well rested, I’m more energised, productive and happy throughout my day. But I also know that investing some time into getting ready in the mornings helps me look and feel great, too.
So how can you create beauty routine that doesn’t compromise on beauty sleep? Here are six tips to help you save time in the mornings.
1. Make a schedule for your hair routine.
I know what you’re thinking, it’s crazy to book in a time just to wash and style my hair, but it’s the beauty equivalent of writing up a ‘To Do’ list – if you’ve planned out what you’ve got to do, you’re far more likely to get it done. Simple.
In the past, I was a culprit of “I’ll just wash my hair tomorrow”-itis and always managed to push it out by a few days. On those days where my hair was closer to grease than chic, I noticed that my disposition was slightly less perky and I was slightly less productive.
Now, I schedule time on pre-determined nights to wash my hair. I only wash my hair twice a week — Sunday nights, to get myself ready for the working week, and Thursday nights, to have fresh hair for the weekend.
On the first and second days after washing, I can count on my hair being clean enough to wear down. By the third and fourth days, I’ll throw it up in a sleek ponytail or a bun. Waking up knowing exactly what I’m doing with my hair that day saves so much time and effort in the mornings, ensuring I get out the door on time every time.