The worst thing about present shopping is the terrible guilt that comes from returning home with an armful of lovely new things — for yourself.
It’s also the best thing.
You head out the door, full of good intentions and maybe even armed with a list, only to return home with a new jumpsuit, a festive red lipstick, and a completely unnecessary fedora. For yourself.
How did this happen?
Allow us to enlighten you. Here are the six emotional stages of a secret shopping spree.
1. Excited with a hint of smugness.
“I am going to get everything I need today and I’ll never have to go present shopping again! HUZZAH for today!” you think, breezing into the shopping centre to embark on your present-finding mission. Your hair is sleek, your shoulders are straight and your underarms are dry.
2. Temptation with a side of frustration.
Several stores down and you still haven’t found any of the gifts you’re after. Better reward yourself with a little window-shopping to regroup.
“Why does everyone have to be so difficult to buy for?” you think. “I, on the other hand, am so easy! I like that, and that, and those, and THIS! Does this come in blue?”