
The vibrating yoga pants that left a Shark Tank judge furious.

Yes, well.

Some vibrating yoga pants just caused a scandal on national TV.

You see, on this week’s episode of Shark Tank, a woman named Billie Whitehouse pitched a line of vibrating yoga pants.

They’re like your normal yoga pants but they have five little vibrating pads in them to guide your body into the right position.

The pants are connected to an app on your smartphone, which is like your own little portable yoga teacher.

Billie was asking the sharks for a $1.8 million investment in Wearable X, for a 18 per cent stake in the business.

The pitch seemed to be going well, Janine Allis even put on some pants and did some yoga, but then Steve Baxter got mad.

“How many sensors are there?” he asked.

When Billie replied there are five sensors, he said “that’s not many”.

“I have a mild electronic background just to let you know,” he continued. “So I’m keen to understand the science here or the engineering anyway.”

Steve then asked Billie a series of questions about how the pants worked and she provided a lot of vague answers about numbers and science and data and what not.

Then Steve kind of… lost it… in a very Steve Baxter fashion.

He lifted up his leg and asked whether the software would be able to tell that he had lifted up his leg.

Billie replied that it would.

After more back and forth Steve said, “I call rubbish”.

“You are driving square pegs into a round hole right now with what you’re saying, OK?” he continued. “Is there someone else here that understands the tech because you don’t at this point in time.”

Then Billie explained the pants had 99 per cent accuracy every time.

“Eugh,” Steve responded. “If you do understand the tech you’ve described it incredibly poorly today.”

At the end of the segment, none of the sharks chose to invest in the pants.

However, they did say they would have invested in Billie’s previous business… which was vibrating underpants for couples in long distance relationships  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

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