
Fluff: Shane Warne wants a career in pop music.



Of course fast-bowler Shane Warne is planning a career in pop music. Of course. 

How did we not see this coming? He’s been dropping clues he wants to be a pop star for ages: posting half-naked selfies, courting a supermodel, a high-profile on-again/off-again romance, an intimate relationship with fake tan and teeth whitening gel.

Now all he needs is a song to launch this bad boy into pop stardom.

The 44-year-old cricketing legend revealed this morning that he’s writing a song for a very famous buddy.

“The song’s basically about life,” Warnie told Kyle and Jackie O. “I’m just putting it down. It could be absolute rubbish but I’m trying. I’m giving it to a mate who is in a pretty cool band and I’m going to see what he thinks of it.”

Warnie’s been very coy about who his famous friend is, but he did say they’re in one of the world’s most famous bands.

Anyone want to place a bet on who he means?

In the meantime, we have some suggestions for Warnie’s first album cover:

Is Brynne Edelsten broke?

Everyone’s favourite hot mess, 31-year-old socialite Brynne Edelsten, has just revealed she may be stone-cold broke. 

Brynne recently split with her partner, 70-year-old Geoffrey Edelsten. The pair are still living together in a Melbourne penthouse, while they work out the details of their divorce.


This morning, Brynne confessed that she couldn’t make it to her grandmother’s funeral because she couldn’t afford the flights – and Geoff refused to help out.

“Geoff had threatened to change the locks on our apartment and he’d done that quite a few times in the past, so it wasn’t something that was unbelievable,” she says. “I was scared that if I went away to the States, I wouldn’t have anywhere to come home to. That broke my heart. It was horrible, especially knowing how much my mum wanted me there at Grandma’s funeral with her.”

She shared a few more intimate details of her personal life with magazine New Idea:

“There is no housekeeping money and no wild parties. The honest truth is that I don’t have an income right now, Geoff has cancelled all the joint credit cards and I don’t have anywhere to go. I don’t have family here, I don’t have the money for bond and I can’t afford any rent.”

She also used the interview to, ah, request some privacy.

“Divorce is so personal and it should be very, very private,” she says.

“There is no housekeeping money and no wild parties. The honest truth is that I don’t have an income right now, Geoff has cancelled all the joint credit cards and I don’t have anywhere to go. I don’t have family here, I don’t have the money for bond and I can’t afford any rent.”

“There are things Geoff has done that I am embarrassed and ashamed about, and I’m sure he feels the same about things I have done. There is good and bad in any marriage, but either way it’s not stuff you want to share with other people,” she says.

Having just shared all these details… with many other people.

Oh, Brynne.

Karl Stefanovic more candid than ever

Hey remember that stunning time Today co-host Karl Stafanovic was smashed at the Logies?

To jog your memory, if you need it, here he is – Drunk Karl:

Well, he’s explained himself. And this new Sensible Karl thing he’s got going suits him. Don’t you think?

Lupita Nyong’o looks flawless on the cover of New York magazine

12 Years A Slave actress Lupita Nyong’o looks absolutely heavenly on the Spring issue of New York magazine.

Here she is in Stella McCartney.

Inside the mag, Lupita opens up about her lightning-speed rise to fame and what it feels like to be recognised everywhere she goes.

“I’ve been in a bubble. I haven’t been out much. I haven’t gotten used to being recognized,” she says. “I was blissfully ignorant of the magnitude of the project I was in or what it was going to mean for the world.”


For someone who moved from unknown Kenyan actress to super-star, the paparazzi have been a shock: “I don’t know who they were waiting for, but they definitely chased me down, which is a startling, disturbing experience. I did not expect it. I went into flight mode.”

In fact, her entire move to America has been a shock for Lupita: “I find my freedom in structure. It was very hard to adjust to an individualistic and very liberal system. I mean, my upbringing, I would iron my clothes every night. I would plan what I wore the night before, and then I would iron it. That’s just the way my mom raised us. Then I got to Hampshire, where clothing is sometimes optional and all this kind of thing. I was mortified.”

Revealed: Hilary Clinton’s private chat with her best friend

Hillary Clinton blamed herself for former President of the United States Bill Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewisnky, according to new documents.

The former First Lady of the United States confided in close friend Diane Blair that she thought Lewinsky was “a narcissistic looney toon” and that “the loneliness of the presidency” was to blame for his infidelity.

Blair’s journal entries, memos and personal correspondence with Clinton were published by The Washington Free Beacon on Sunday. Blair was a science professor who passed away in 2000, which left her private notes to and from Hilary Clinton unprotected.

The documents are revealing:

“She thinks she was not smart enough, not sensitive enough, not free enough of her own concerns and struggles to realize the price he was paying,” Blair wrote in an entry. “[Hillary] is not trying to excuse [Bill Clinton]; it was a huge personal lapse. And she is not taking responsibility for it,” she wrote.

The Clintons on their wedding day

“But, she does say this to put his actions in context. Ever since he took office they’ve been going thru personal tragedy ([the death of] Vince [Foster], her dad, his mom) and immediately all the ugly forces started making up hateful things about them, pounding on them,” she wrote.

“They adopted strategy, public strategy, of acting as tho it didn’t bother them; had to. [Hillary] didn’t realize toll it was taking on him,” Blair continued.

When Clinton finally admitted to the affair after repeatedly lying that he did not have sex with “that woman, Miss Lewinsky,” Hillary defended her philandering spouse in a phone chat with Blair.

“HRC insists, no matter what people say, it was gross inappropriate behavior but it was consensual (was not a power relationship) and was not sex within any real meaning (standup, liedown, oral, etc.) of the term.”



Former Home & Away star has a baby boy

The 37-year-old Aussie actress gave birth to her first child in Paris this morning. She and her French boyfriend Jean-David Blanc announced the happy baby news on Twitter. Stand by for cute baby pics.





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