
Shane Warne forgets the cameras, hints he cheated on his wife.

Shane Warne, 46, on I’m a Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here! is proving to be exactly how I thought — nay, dreamed — he’d be.

He’s already blabbed about his relationship with Liz Elizabeth Hurley and how her closeness to Hugh Grant made him uncomfortable. He’s aired his views on evolution (not a thing. It’s aliens, duh). He’s even trashed beloved cricketer Steve Waugh.

Warnie is a reality-TV producer’s dream. It’s like he genuinely forgets the cameras are there.

His latest faux pas appears to confirm something that, let’s face it, everyone knew anyway.

As he was regaling his fellow celebrities with the beautiful tale of how he came to be best mates with Coldplay’s Chris Martin, he inadvertently admitted to cheating on his ex-wife Simone Callahan, to whom he was married for ten years from 1995 to 2005.

Watch Warnie out-Warnie himself… Post continues after video.

“I’m in the lift. I’ve got someone with me,” Warne said. “I’m trying to sneak up to my room and I notice a guy in a corner. He also had someone.

“He [Chris] said, ‘What are you doing?’ I said, ‘I think I’m doing the same as you’.”

The night of passion each man was apparently planning came true — only it was between two blonde, overpaid men.

“I then went up to his room, we had a bit of a giggle… we sat there and talked all night until the sun came up. You know when you just click? Ever since then we’ve been good buddies.”


It’s a great yarn, worth telling, but this incident happened 16 years ago — smack bang in the middle of his marriage to Callahan.

Love TV? Need to hear more behind-the-scenes secret? Listen to The Binge with Rosie Waterland, here:

Simone Callahan and Shane Warne
Warnie and Simone Callahan in 2005, the year they split. Image via Getty.

One relationship of Warne’s that has lasted is that of him and Martin. Warnie reckons Martin’s even taken over his social media accounts in his jungle-absence.

“He’s one of my best friends. He is doing guest tweeting and stuff for me while I am in here,” he said.

So, between performing at the Superbowl and hanging out with Beyonce, Chris Martin is posting pre-prepared selfies to Warnie’s Instagram account? That is true friendship.

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