
Brynne Edelsten hits out at Shane Warne's suggestions that she set him up.

In case you missed it, ex-cricketer/long-time sexter Shane Warne and socialite Brynne Edelsten found themselves in a bit of a situation last week.

For those of you who aren’t up to date (I do not blame you whatsoever), here’s what you missed:

Warnie and Brynne were among a host of high-profile personalities attending the All in For Charity poker tournament in Geelong last Thursday. There was money raised, fun had and jolly drinks afterward. The two very blonde, very tan singletons got chatting. Liked each other a lil’ bit. Arranged to leave in separate cabs, and meet at Brynne’s for what Shane now refers to as a “night cap”, but what Brynne calls “staying the night”. Then, this happened…

Okay, we all caught up? Because this is where the plot THICKENS, people.

Brynne was not okay with the whole ‘you were super shifty and set me up in front of paparazzi’ accusation, so she’s tackled the rumours and speculation head on. She’s released text messages from Warnie on that fateful Thursday night to Woman’s Day.

Speaking of text messages. Post continues after video…


And these are sexy texts, you guys. Sexy, sexy texts… not exactly the kind you’d send if you were only after an ice-cold bev and a chat about .

B: “Just got home”

“In the lift”

“Where r u?”

W: “Leaving now! You safe? Excited for me to devour u? X”

“Do I just get a cab to that address? No unit number or anything?”

“What’s going on?”

“You coming to get me?”

B: “Did you know a pap would be there? My ex is going to kill me if that comes out :/”

W: “No idea!”

“Are you coming to get me?”

Let’s do a lil’ bit of language analysis, shall we? Unless Warnie has confused the term ‘night cap’ with ‘casual sex’, there’s very few ways to explain the whole ‘devour u’ comment. Also, it doesn’t seem like Warnie was ambushed by paparazzi like he originally made out in his Facebook post, considering that after said ambush he still asked if Brynne was coming outside to, err, retrieve him.

Ah, Shane. Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane. (Images via Getty (L) and Channel Ten (R)

So... what exactly went on here? I'm gonna throw the floor to Brynne.

“Shane can say what he likes, but there was no set up - none whatsoever. It is a ludicrous proposition. I have paparazzi following me all the time. It’s not something I particularly enjoy, but I understand it comes with the territory,” Brynne told Woman's Day.


“... I warned Shane there was a paparazzi outside the Crown when I left and he responded by saying that it was good that we’d left in separate vehicles. I’m pretty sure the paparazzi didn’t follow me that night, they obviously followed Shane’s taxi from the casino to my address,” she added.

Meanwhile Brynne's 73-year-old ex-husband, Geoffrey Edelsten, has also chipped in his two cents about the hoopla.

"Shane is a very good friend of mine and I am very surprised to learn that he would be keen on Brynne,” he told the publication, adding that this wasn't the first time Warnie has set his sights on one of his exes. "This is not the first time Shane has done something like this. He has sent text messages to Gabi (Grecko) inviting her to his place in the UK. I was very upset and spoke to his manager and made sure nothing happened between them."

"I have no animosity towards Brynne and wish her well with whomever she chooses to be with, and if that is Shane then so be it."

Ahhhhh, the Drah-mah with a capital D lives on for another day. I'm 107 per cent sure I'll be seeing y'all tomorrow for another instalment of the Shane and Brynne saga, folks!

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