When it comes to a relationship, they say love conquers all… but can it really conquer a penis and a vagina who refuse to get along?
In my early 20s, I was in a relationship where the chemistry was like hairspray to a naked flame. We fitted in every area – shared professions, backgrounds, humour – except one very, very wide one:
Inside his pants, it was as if someone had chopped off a human penis and replaced it with a can of Coke.
The long and (not at all) short of it was this: we did not fit down there. Having sex was like that Friends episode where Ross and Rachel try to get his sofa upstairs: stop, start, forwards a bit, rest, pivot, back out, try again. (And that ends with Ross sawing it in half).
It was impossible for us to be spontaneous because the deed involved an arsenal of condoms and lubricant. We had a position repertoire of, um, one – me on top – as that was the only way to ease the damn thing in. And when it was in and the sex actually ripped me (which it did pretty much every time), I could see it doing the same to his self-esteem. After nine months we both admitted defeat.
Watch the Mamamia team reveal their most awkward sex stories below (post continues after video).