Hey there, tradie.
Are you struggling to make heads or tails of your finances?
Do you have unsent invoices coming out the wazoo?
Boy, have we got a deal for you… wait. Why aren’t you looking??!
Hold on let me grab your attention with some BREASTS.
Heh heh heh. Gotcha, ya small minded schlub.
A new flyer for Flat Rate Now business software has caused quite the stir this morning after a photo was posted in the popular Facebook group "Like Minded Bitches Drinking Wine" yesterday.
The above "quality marketing material" was snapped and shared by a Queensland woman who found it in her letterbox yesterday.
Her online chums, many of whom are tradies themselves, were less than impressed.
"What the," one woman reacted, the genius "TURN OVER TO SEE MORE" tagline, clearly going over her silly womanly head.
"I run a female trade based business and we are working very hard to rid our industry of images such as these," the owner of She Skills commented on the post, attracting 60 likes.
"The idea that you have to resort to using pictures of half-naked women to sell your product is disturbing and frankly a little insulting to the people (mostly men) who will buy it."
One woman simply labelled it "worse than Ultra Tune".
LISTEN: Mamamia Out Loud go deep on casually sexist car ads. Post continues...
A number of the companies listed on the flyer were appalled to discover they had been associated with the ill-conceived campaign, which was unauthorised, including MYOB, simPRO and XERO who asked that it be discontinued.
Flat Rate Now's Facebook page has since been disabled and their website is, ah, "working on some updates", so it appears they've received the feedback.
"Hell hath no fury like a woman (or in this case women) scorned," one group member wrote.
"Let's hope they take this on board and realise their massive error."