
"It's not an egg, but it's a cracker." Mamamia reviews 'The Egg' sex toy.

On the hunt for a new sex toy? Unsure what to go for and whether or not you need a newly fandangled suction element? Well, BREATHE. Because the Mamamia sex toy reviews are here to help. We get real women to get real intimate with real sex toys and then tell us about them.

This week Katie, who is a 26-year-old evening editor for Mamamia, reviews the 'my ilo Egg' - a flexible vibrator - by the incredible sexual wellness brand my ilo.

What does the sex toy claim to do?

The Egg claims to be a soft and flexible vibrator with a heck tonne of vibrating patterns that can be used externally. Sounds pretty good, right?

What was your first impression of the sex toy? (Just by looking at it)

Look, my first impression was: "Well, this doesn't look like a bloody egg."

As I've been writing about and reviewing sex toys for quite some time (sorry dad, I know it's not the career you'd hoped for me), I've come across many different shapes, sizes and structures. And 'egg' is definitely a shape that can be spotted in the sex toy department.

But this little guy was definitely more of a cross between a surfboard and a banana. 

Image: Supplied. 


Super soft to touch and with a little bend, the design seems to be prepped for 'cupping' the vulva - but with no instructions in the box, it seemed a little investigating was ahead...

How much is the sex toy? And do you think it’s worth it?

The my ilo Egg retails at $100, which I know sounds like a lot of money, but my god is it important to invest in good quality sex toys. 

If you've been rubbing up with your trusty plastic sex toy for years, then it's time to toss that cesspool of bacteria directly into the bin. Then replace it with a silicone, steel or glass sex toy that will keep your vagina much happier and healthier. 



What was it like using the sex toy? And how did it really feel?

The first time I attempted to use the myilo Egg, I was mentally preparing myself for a good session. I'd tidied my bedroom, shut the blinds and got familiar with the vibration patterns on the toy. In the wise words of Tiffany Haddish, she was well and truly READY.

I got started with the entry level pulse and placed it directly onto my skin. Little shudders, nice buzz. Things were going great...

But then, it died.

Listen to The Undone, where Emily and Lucy discuss the morning after pill, and all the confusion around it. Post continues after podcast.

And I mean literally died. Flat out. Gave up. Konked out on me.


Then I rewound the clock and remembered that I had definitely not charged it and so it was existing purely off its demo charge. Rookie error.

While I had to sub in an alternative sex toy for that session, I did plug in The Egg to use another time and when we were reunited... well... 'twas grand. 

Describe the sex toy in three words:

Tactile, aesthetic and fun. 

Image: Supplied.


What score would you give the sex toy out of 10?

9/10. It did the job, it's relatively quiet and I really like the look and feel of it. 

This sex toy is best for people who want…

To upgrade their trusty bullet to a sleek, silicone alternative. 

Any final words?

It's not an egg, but it's a cracker.

Found a sex toy that you want to talk about? Let us know in the comments.

While you think about that, have a cheeky watch of men hilariously trying to explain sex toys.

Video via YouTube.

Feature Image: Mamamia + @emilyvernem

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