
Mum boldly shares how she ended up in hospital with a sex toy lodged inside her.

It’s the kind of situation you wouldn’t wish upon your worst enemy.

A 24-year-old student teacher in the UK has spoken publicly about the ordeal she endured after a sex act went terribly wrong.

Emma Phillips from North Wales was rushed to hospital after she and boyfriend Lee discovered the seven-inch toy inserted into her rectum had become lodged.

Phillips told Metro she discovered the error when the device turned on despite being deep inside her body after at first thinking the vibrator was just buzzing under a pillow as a prank.

“When I leaned on my stomach I could feel it vibrating – it was stuck low down and at one point was even wedged behind my hip,” she said.

The mother-of-one said the pair resorted to using kitchen cutlery and barbecue prongs in an effort to draw it out.

“He tried a kitchen fork handle, which we won’t be using again, and said he could feel it at one point but that it was too far up – it was a goner,” she said.

“He tried barbecue prongs too but after a certain point – after an hour of trying – we knew were going to have to go to hospital. We were both a bit shocked.”

The couple had both been drinking the night before and couldn’t drive.

“I had to make the most embarrassing call to the ambulance at 7am,” she told Metro.

The device was surgically extracted by doctors after a camera was fed down the student teacher’s throat to assess its position.



Phillips, who has a two-year-old daughter, said she decided to share her story in effort to encourage others to seek medical help in embarrassing situations.

“We weren’t going to do anything about it because of the embarrassment – there’s a big taboo about it – but we knew we needed help,” she said.

Sex toys can be a great addition to one’s sex life but they should always be used with caution and some basic knowledge.

The Australian Government recommends sexual partners ensure sex toys are thoroughly washed before use.

The informative resource also reminds us toys shared between partners can transmit infections.

Other tips – beyond ‘wash it, m8’ – are:

Communicate openly and honestly with your partner beforehand so everyone feels safe and in charge.

Use common sense and know your own body.

Do not drink heavily beforehand as impaired judgment or a loss of sensation can lead to an accident.

And the sexiest tip of them all: seek medical attention if something doesn’t feel right, something hurts or if something can’t be removed.


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