Having sex in public is exhilarating. But while the risk of being caught is compelling to many of us, getting busted will earn you a fat charge.
In case you were wondering (we know you were wondering), here are 20 places you definitely should NOT have sex in public.
A public park.
Public parks are where families bring their kids to play ball and have picnics. Do you seriously not have anywhere else you can screw around? If the police catch you doing this, you will be arrested. If you’re going to have sex in a park, it better be at night and in a heavily wooded area.
The public bathrooms in a park.
You shouldn’t even pee in a public bathroom at a park. I once saw a dead, festering rat just lying there in a public park bathroom. The only people you find in public park bathrooms are drug users (at night) and old ladies (during the day). NOT the best spot to set the mood.
A jungle gym.
Seriously, if you get caught doing this (even at night, which is when I’m going to assume you’d attempt it), you will have to register on a sex offenders list. You can also be put on the list for peeing in public. Fun facts. Don’t do it.
On the beach, in the middle of the day.
Beach sex sucks in general. You get sand in bodily crevices some of you might not even have known existed. Sandy labia are nobody’s oyster, let me tell you. Also, doing it in the middle of the day is just ridiculous. No one would do that, right? Just kidding. Here are some people who did that in Florida (of course).
Madison Missina shares the household items you can use to spice up your sex life. Post continues after audio.