
The main reason you should be having more sex.

Good news if you are having sex two to three times a week.

The Husband sent me this link with a nudge, nudge, wink, wink. 

The fact that he sent it to me while he was at work was not lost on me.

We’re inching towards our 10th wedding anniversary this year. A few of our friends who have already reached this milestone celebrated with romantic getaways. Us? We’ve booked a table at one of Sydney’s fine dining restaurants. Not so much for the cosy candlelit ambience or the aphrodisiac foods. No-no. We’re giddy with excitement because we’ll get to feast on a fabulous five-course meal without having to cook or clean up.

The bonus? No kids.

Married with kids. You know how it is. The children come along and run right into your wedded bliss – and bedroom – very often, at sexy time. Your lacy-racy lingerie makes way for comfy undies, spontaneous sex is elbowed out in favour of ‘Date Night’ synchronised on your iPhones, and cuddling and canoodling on the couch while watching TV now includes the kids and their entourage of cuddly toys. Let’s face it, romance, and sex, often get the sack when all you want to do is hit the sack.

"Let's face it, romance, and sex, often get the sack when all you want to do is hit the sack." Image via iStock.

So it was interesting to read the article where Dr. Nick Drydakis, Reader in Economics at Anglia Ruskin University, had this to say on the co-relation between sex and money. "Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory claims that the happier and more fulfilled individuals are in their lives, the more productive and successful they will be in their work, translating to higher wages."

The study goes on to say that employees who have sex two or three times a week earn 4.5 per cent more than those who are less sexually active.

"See?" said The Husband, with a knowing look on his face, "I've been saying this all along: more morning sex equals more moolah. And now I've got research on my side. Want to put the theory to test?” His eyebrows wiggled suggestively for effect.


Hold on a second: what does this say about me? As a SAHM, I earn diddly-squat. By this logic, does this mean that I have a nonexistent sex-life? After all, if your income rises in direct proportion to the number of times you get jiggy, I should be having zero sex because I earn zero dollars.

I decided to trick question The Husband about my net worth based on this study when he returned home from work. This was his reply, "Oh, but you're underestimating yourself. We know you do the most demanding job there is. I can't put a price on what you do for us. That's why your earnings are intangible. You're priceless."

Well played, Husband. Well played.

I think he thinks he's going to get lucky tonight.

We'll see...

Going purely by this study, should you be earning big bucks? Do you and your partner have to schedule sex?

If you're a parent CLICK THROUGH the gallery for the funny ways parents squeeze in sexy-time...

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If you’re married and not having sex, this is probably why.

This is what people Google about sex.

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