
Seven Year Switch is done and it was the conclusion we never saw coming.

Just like that, the end is nigh for Seven Year Switch.

It was a season of sobbing, bed swaps and total uncertainty as to how any of these eight people had actually made their way onto Australian television.

With the show now behind us, we take a look back on the couples, their journeys, and where they are now.

Brad and Tallena.

I want to say that this Brisbane couple was the saddest on the show, but they were probably on par with all of the others.

Before going on the show, the engaged duo would argue consistently, their wedding regularly postponed due to Brad's spending habits, and had an engagement ring that came on and off more frequently than an inner city cabbie's light.

Also, Brad has a pet bird named Squishy that consistently sat on his shoulder and was present for their most heated debates. Aside from the hygiene factor, this third party participation just reads like a recipe for disaster.

Halfway through the show all seemed lost.

Tallena, who had been partnered with Tim, appeared to be enjoying the time apart a little too much. The two had a spa together, Tim gave Tallena a massage, Brad wrote a heated letter, Tallena realised nothing had changed and all hope for the future seemed lost.

Within moments of reuniting there was awkward silences, and Tallena left their apartment to take some more time away, not yet ready to return.

Yet it seems they have made their way back to each other and decided to stay together, with Brad even proposing to Tallena for a second time.


"I love you and I want to be with you. I don't want to live without you, your my world. I want us to push forward and get married and I want to marry you tomorrow," Brad decided.

"If we can get through this I know we can get through anything else. You are the man I want to marry and the man I want to spend the rest of my life with. I love you," Tallena said.

It seems that it's alls well that ends well for these lovebirds, who have not only turned that tiny old spark into a roaring flame, but have also reportedly made it down the aisle since filming. (To read about their wedding, click here.)

Jason and Michelle.

Seven years and two kids into their relationship, Jason and Michelle realised their romance was not right in many ways. Mostly because it was the most forgettable and beige union we've ever seen televised.

Michelle saw Jason as just another kid for her to look after, while Jason saw Michelle as the possessor of a vagina he wanted to get to know again.

Their relationship seemed oddly stagnant from the start of the show. Michelle didn't seem to miss Jason all that much, and at one point admitted to not being in love with him anymore.

If they stayed together it would kind of make sense because of the kids, and if they didn't we'd all be like, "ehhh saw it coming."

After being reunited though, Jason realised he didn't know anything about Michelle, because he hadn't been listening to a word she said for years. No wonder she was unhappy. But the pair found their way back together despite growing apart.


"Babe. My decision is that I want us to have the happiest family and I want us to be those oldies at the pub playing bingo. I know our relationship can be painful at times and I'm trying to be better," Jason said. "I promise for the rest of my life I'll try to be the best partner and the best father that's imaginable. I love you so much."

I don't think I've ever fallen out of love with you but I've definitely lost the 'in love' feeling. You're a wonderful father but things haven't been easy. We've grown apart and we need to grow back together again," Michelle replied.

"You love me even when I can be awful. Even through it all we're still here. We're still trying and that's so brilliant. A lot of people would give up. You're wonderful and I love you," she concluded.

Tim and Jackie.

Tim resembles every boyfriend you'd never want for your best friend. He's obnoxious, arrogant and brash. He probably loves Midori and screams "yeah boi!" after every sentence uttered by another man at a weekend barbie.

Jackie on the other hand, seems lovely. So why she's with this admittedly well sculpted neanderthal who refuses to so much as hold her hand in public is seriously beyond me. I guess as a couple they stand as a cautionary tale - a lighthouse if you will, standing on a remote cliff top steering everyone else away from the rocks of relationship peril.


During the show, Tim got a tattoo, stripped naked in a spa and climbed into bed with another woman. Jackie cried a lot, looked very confused and sometimes a little bit mad.

"Over a tattoo? Come on. She needs to get over herself," Tim said.

She said it was over, took him back and they had a lot of sex. Tim tried to be a good boyfriend and did exceptional things like give her a massage.

But in the end, they stayed together.

"Jackie, at one stage I thought I'd lost you and I felt sick inside. You mean the world to me and I never want to lose you," Tim said. "I love you more than anything in the world I want us to be together forever. I hope I can live up to all your expectations."

Jackie's response was equally gushy.

"The thought of us not being together, I never want to experience that again. I have so much passion and love and desire for you. I never want to lose you. I love you," Jackie said.

It seems that the massage worked, because Jackie is now reportedly pregnant. (And no, sadly the photo wasn't taken after she ate a burrito, I checked). (To read about Jackie's pregnancy, click here.)

Ryan and Cassie.

Despite Ryan being an adult sized child, Cassie seemed to really love him.

Ryan though, loves shiny, glittery, fast-moving objects and get rich quick schemes. So naturally, that was a problem for the parents who also share an 11-month-old daughter.


The couple had some serious baggage in their history, having lost their first child at birth, and as the show moved on it became evident that Cassie had some serious insecurities around trust.

During the separation period Cassie cried a lot. She rode the emotional roller coaster in style, going up and down and up and down and up and down. It was similar to the roller coaster that a pregnant woman suffering hormonal imbalances goes through.

Ryan realised how much he loved Cassie and what needed to change, committed to making a fresh start and having a positive outlook on their future.

"You know how much I love you. You know I love you more than anything. I just want to tell you how much I want to commit to our relationship. You've got all of me," Ryan said.

"I know we've got a lot of work to do but I don't even want to be without you. I want to be as happy as we used to be and I want to give you every part of me to make sure we can get there," Cassie responded.

"I love you," Ryan added.

"I love you too," Cassie replied.

Ryan and Cassie are also said to be expecting another child. (To read about it, click here.)

But, because all series must have a finale, it did. Just like that.

We hope you enjoyed the Seven Year Switch ride.

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